Prashant Publications

Human Resource Management



SKU: 9789381546864
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2018
Edition: First



Semester – V

  1. Introduction To Human Resource Management : 1.1 Definition and Scope of HRM, 1.2 Features of HRM, 1.3 Objectives of HRM, 1.4 Functions of HRM, 1.5 Importance of HRM
  2. Human Resource Planning : 2.1 Concept of H.R. Planning, 2.2 Factors in HRP, 2.3 Advantages and Limitations of HRP, 2.4 Process of HRP, 2.5 Types of HRP
  3. Job Analysis And Design : 3.1 Definition, 3.2 Process of Job Analysis, 3.3 Methods of Job Analysis, 3.4 Job Analysis Information, 3.5 Job Description, 3.6 Job Specification, 3.7 Concept of Job Design, 3.8 Different Approaches of Job Designs, 3.9 Modern Management Techniques, 3.10 Some Modern Techniques
  4. Recruitment : 4.1 Meaning, 4.2 Factors Affecting Recruitment, 4.3 Recruitment Policy, 4.4 Sources of Recruitment, 4.5 Need of Recruitment, 4.6 Evaluation of Recruitment Programme
  5. Selection : 5.1 Meaning, 5.2 Definition, 5.3 The Selection Process, 5.4 Selection Method Standards, 5.5 Application Forms, 5.6 Interviews, 5.7 Interview Process, 5.8 Education of Selection Process, 5.9 E-Selection
  6. Placement And Induction : 6.1 Definition, 6.2 Significance of Placement, 6.3 Objectives of Induction, 6.4 Benefits of Induction Programme, 6.5 Induction Procedure, 6.6 Promotion, 6.7 Demotion, 6.8 Culpable, Absenteeism

Semester – VI

  1. Employee Training : 1.1 Meaning and Definition. Difference between Training, Education and Development, 1.2 Characteristics, Objectives, Need and Importance, 1.3 On the Job, off the Job, Training methods, 1.4 Types of Training
  2. Management And Development : 2.1 Meaning of Management Development, 2.1 Meaning of Management Development, 2.2 Objectives, Need and Importance, 2.3 Methods of Management Development, 2.4 Problems in M. D. Programme, 2.5 Managerial Training and Development in Indian Context
  3. Employee Grievances : 3.1 Meaning and Definition, 3.2 Features and Forms of Grievance, 3.3 Causes and Effects of Grievance, 3.4 Procedure of Grievance, 3.5 Guidelines for Handling Grievanes
  4. Employee Discipline : 4.1 Meaning and Definition, 4.2 Disciplinary Procedure, 4.3 Approaches Towards Indiscipline, 4.4 Code of Discipline
  5. Employee Performance Appraisal : 5.1 Meaning and Features of E.P.A., 5.2 Objectives and Importance, 5.3 Methods and Process of Performance Appraisal, 5.4 Problems of Appraisal, 5.5 Measures for Making Effective Appraisal Approach
  6. Recent Treads In H.R.M. : a) Human Resource Accounting, b) H.R.D. Audit, c) Quality of Work Life, d) Knowledge Management, e) Entrepreneurial Development, f) Developing Quality circumstances, g) Human Capital
Prashant Publications
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