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MCQs For Library and Information Science



SKU: 9789385021695
Book Language: Marathi
Published Years: 2017
Edition: First
Ebook Link:



Education is the key factor in the development and growth of any country. Hence it is very important to create effective structure for education especially about higher education in the country. To maintain the quality and standard of higher education the government of India notified in the year of 1988 that only those candidates who besides fulfilling the minimum academic qualifications prescribed for the post of lecturer have to be qualified through a comprehensive test, to become eligible for appointment as lecturers.
This all things keeping in view UGC has evolved a method of selection and appointment of the teachers, Assistant professors, Librarians and Junior Research fellows in various subjects at colleges and universities by holding an Eligibility Tests like NET/SET/TET etc. No appointment is possible without such examinations. Which is compulsory for these posts at all UGC approved colleges and universities in the country. Hence the craze of these exams is raised amongst those candidates who wish to apply for same posts.
At first, the nature of this kind of examinations is in descriptive format but now days the criteria have changed and examinations should be held in objective questions and answer format. Hence this book has specially prepared in objective question and answer format for Library and Information Science.
This book is efforts of compilation work and I hope this small creation will helps you for qualifying NET, SET, PET or any other competitive examination in Library and information Science.

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