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Quantitative Techniques



SKU: 9789380638065
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2014
Edition: First


  1. Commercial Arithmetic : Calculation of Interest, 1.1 Meaning of an annuity, 1.2 Types of an annuity : annuity due, annuity regular, 1.3 Present value and future value of an annuity, 1.4 Sinking fund
  2. Mathematical Logic : 2.1 Meaning of statement. Truth value of a statement, 2.2 Elementary and compound statements, 2.3 Law of excluded middle, 2.4 Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication and double implication, 2.5 Construction of truth table, 2.6 Equivalence of logical statements, 2.7 Tautology and Contradiction
  3. Permutation and Combination : 3.1 Meaning of permutation and combination, 3.2 Fundamental principle of counting, 3.3 Meaning of Factorial of a number. Statement of basic properties of factorial of a number, 3.4 Statement of formula for number of permutations of, different objects when r objects are taken at a time, 3.5 Statement of formula for number of combinations of, different objects taken r at a time, 3.6 Simple numerical problems from real life situations.
  4. Sets : 4.1 Meaning of a set. Methods of describing a set, 4.2 Types of a set: finite set, infinite set, empty set, universal set, subset, super set, disjoint sets, overlapping sets, complementary set, 4.3 Operations on sets, Equality of two sets, union of sets, intersection of sets, difference of two sets, 4.4 Statement of DemorganтАЩs laws. 4.5 Venn diagrams. Use of Venn diagrams in logic. Statement and verification by Venn diagrams of following basic results relating to number of elements of a finite set, 4.6 Simple numerical problems illustrating commercial applications, 4.7. Function – Definition and Value of function at point
  5. Introduction to Statistics : 5.1 Meaning of Statistics, 5.2 Applications of Statistics in Business, Commerce and Management, 5.3 Limitations of Statistics, 5.4 Population, sample, census, sampling, 5.5 Data, raw data, primary data, secondary data, 5.6 Variable, Discrete variable, Continuous variable, Attribute
  6. Classification and tabulation of data : 6.1 Meaning of classification and tabulation, 6.2 Distinction between classification and tabulation, 6.3 Construction of table: one-way and two-way tables, 6.4 Classification of raw data according to values of a variable
  7. Measures of central tendency : 7.1 Meaning of central tendency, measure of central tendency, 7.2 Arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic mean, 7.3 Combined arithmetic mean for two groups, 7.4 Median and mode, 7.5 Partition values: – quartiles, deciles and percentiles, 7.6 Numerical problems on the computation of the above Statistical measures based on raw data only illustrating commercial applications.
  8. Measures of dispersion : 8.1 Meaning of measure of dispersion, 8.2 Need of measure of dispersion, 8.3 Absolute and relative measures of dispersion, 8.4 Range and coefficient of range, 8.5 Quartile deviation and coefficient of quartile deviation, 8.6 Mean deviation and coefficient of mean deviation, 8.7 Standard deviation and coefficient of variation, 8.8 Numerical problems based on raw data only illustrating commercial applications.
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