ZOO-203 | Practical Zoology
F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | Zoology
F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | ZOO-203
Practical Zoology
We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for F.Y.B.Sc., ZOO – 203 : Practical Zoology which is implemented form June 2022.
Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
We are grateful to obliged Academic Book Publications and their entire team bringing out this book in time.
Constructive suggestions and comments are welcome form students and colleagues for the improvement of this book.
Practical 1
Study of external morphology body forms, fins and scales of the fishes
Practical 2
Systematic position, habit and habitat of
Practical 3
Economic Importance of two animals from each class
Practical 4
Study of beaks and feet in birds
Practical 5
Identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
Practical 6
Study of Frog with the help of diagrams / chart / model / simulations / etc