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उच्च शिक्षण प्रणालीची सद्यस्थिती

The Present Scenario of Higher Education System



SKU: 9789385019203
Marathi Title: Uccha Shikshan Pranalichi Sadyasthiti
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Edition: First



Uccha Shikshan Pranalichi Sadyasthiti

  1. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Trends Potantails and Priorites Withs Special Reference to Tribals & Backward Region – Dr. V. L. Dharurkar
  2. Imortance of Research in Higher Education – Hon. Sanjay C. Kuvar
  3. SWOT OF NAAC – Asst. Prof. Nanda Gemu Vasave
  4. A SWOT Analysis of Indian Higher Education System – Dr. Jagdish J. Patil
  5. Role of ICT in Higher Education in Recent ERA of E –World – Dr. Manojkumar Jyotiram Gaikwad, Prakash Kailashchandra Vyas
  6. The Need of Enviornmental Education for Human Well-Being – Dr. Manisha S. Pawar, Dr. Prakash K. Patil
  7. Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Higher Education – Dr. Manojkumar Jyotiram Gaikwad, Parikshitkumar Hiralal Kate
  8. Strength of Indian Higher Education System – Dr. Miss. Shobha Maharu Chaudhari
  9. Challenges in Higher Education – Dr. Mrs. Arati Pramod Sapkale
  10. Yoga as A Therapy – Dr. Rahul Thakur
  11. E – Knowledge Resources and Services For Research in ICT Environment – Dr. Vinod Hirasing Raghuvanshi
  12. Higher Education in India and It’s Challenges – Dr. M. J. Gaikwad, A.K. Raut
  13. New Economic Reforms and Restructuring of Higher Education Through Rusa : A Critical Review – Dr. M. J. Gaikwad
  14. Aim of Artificial Intelligence – Dr. A.N.Patil
  15. The Positive Impact of E.Learnng in Present Educational System – Prof. Rahul D. Chaudhari, Prof. Rakesh S. Deore, Prof. Ashok A.Pawar
  16. Yoga in Higher Education – Dr. Sau. Pushpa G. Patil
  17. Comparison of Motor Fitness and Anthropometric Characteristics Between Basketball and Handball Players – Miss. Priyanka P. Sulakhe
  18. English Language, Literature and ICT in Higher Education – Dr. Vaibhav Sabnis
  19. Physical Education is Dying PLS Save Us – Mr Naresh Madhukar Bagal
  20. The Objectives of Teaching English in Higher Education in India – Mr. Dileep Pandit Sapkale
  21. To Study Changing Sex-Ratio of Rural Tribal Population in The Nashik District – Mr. Gholap N.N.
  22. Role of ICT in English Language Teaching : An Innovative Approach to Strengthen Higher Education – Mr. Gajanan P. Patil
  23. Difficulties of Rural Education in India – Mr. Sahebrao Rausaheb Chavan
  24. ICT Facilities in JSPM Group of Institution Colleges: A Study – Mr. Yogesh B Daphal, Mr. Pravin More
  25. Evaluation of Higher Education: A Pathway to Women Empowerment in India – Dr. Ashok N. Patil, Mrs. Shubhangi G. Pingle
  26. Rural Education in India -Problems and Prospects – Ms. Laxmi C. Awati, Dr. A.N.Patil
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