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स्त्री भ्रूणहत्या : एक सामाजिक समस्या

Female Foeticide : A Social Problem



SKU: 9789382528913
Marathi Title: Stri Bhurn Hatya : Ek Samajik Samsya
Book Language: Marathi
Published Years: 2014
Edition: First



Stri Bhurn Hatya : Ek Samajik Samsya

  1. Female Feticide & Education: Immorality In Humans Moral Behaviour – Prof. Aman Bagade
  2. India’s Unborn Daughters – Victims of Demographic Terrorism – Ashish Bose
  3. Female Foeticide- Law And Judiciary In India – An Overview – Shaikh Anisur Rahman
  4. Genesis Of Female Foeticide And Its Repercussions In Indian Society – Mrs. Nital S. Nandedkar
  5. Freedom Of Religion and Position Of Women Under Hindu Religion – Mr. Gyanendra M. Fulzalke
  6. Female Foeticide And Social Justice With Women In India – Mr. Kashinath S. Neharkar
  7. Causative Factors For Female Foeticide in India – Manisha Ramchandra Wankhede
  8. Female Foeticide: A Threat to Women Empowerment – Dr.Narhari G. Patil
  9. Status of Women in Religion – Jyoti M. Joshi
  10. Cognition of Female Foeticide – Mr. G.S. Kousadikar, Mrs. A. S. Kousadikar
  11. Role And Position Of Women Empowerment In Indian Society -Prof.,Vaidya Jyoti Madhusudanrao
  12. Female Foeticide in India: Issus and Concerns – Deshmukh R. S., N. R. Chavan
  13. Prevention of Female Foeticide and Protective Laws in India with Special Reference to Islam – Waseem I. Khan
  14. Female Foeticide As Social Menace : Its Causes, Effects, and Solution in Legal Perspective – Adv. Nikhat S.M. Farooqui
  15. Female Feoticide: Causes, effects and solution – Dr. Varsha S. Zanvar, Prof. Thoke S.S. and Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
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