Prashant Publications

My Account

Advanced Accountancy - II

M.Com. I | Sem II | Paper 204 A



SKU: 9789394403956
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2022
Pages: 224
Edition: First



1. Accounting Standards
1.1 Introduction
1.2 AS – 7 Construction Contract (Revised 2002)
1.3 AS – 11 The Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rules (Revised 2003)
1.4 AS – 16 Borrowing Cost
1.5 AS – 17 Segment Reporting

2. Accounting for Goods of Small Value Under Hire-Purchases Transactions 
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Preparation of Hire Purchase Trading Account in the books of hire vendor under
a. Debtors Method
b. Stock and Debtors Method

3. Accounting for Construction Contract 
3.1 Introduction – Accounting Treatment – Percentage of completion method – completed contra method – Provisions for unforeseeable factors – Principles to be followed while taking credit for profit on incomplete Contracts
3.2 Valuation and disclosure of work in progress – Escalation clause
3.3 Preparation of Contract Account within the framework of AS-7
3.4 Refer to the requirements of AS-7 ― Construction Contracts (Revised)
3.5 Refer Ind AS-11 ― Construction Contracts
(Theory and practical problems

4. Accounting for Foreign Branches 
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Converting Trial Balance of a Foreign Branch in reporting currency
4.3 Preparation of Foreign Branch Final Accounts for incorporating its results in Head Office books
4.4 Refer to the AS 11 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates’’ (revised)
4.5 Ind-AS 21 “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates’’ (Theory and practical problems)

5. Double Accounts System and Financial Statements of Electricity Companies 
5.1 Double Accounts System
5.2 Meaning, Features, Advantages and Limitations of Double Accounts System
5.3 Revenue Account, Net Revenue Account, Capital Account and Balance Sheet under the Double Accounts System
5.4 Financial Statements of Electricity companies
5.5 Presentation of Financial Statements of Electricity companies in accordance with the requirements of Schedule III under the Companies Act, 2013. Refer to the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003

6. Developments In Accounting 
6.1 Environmental Accounting –
a. Meaning and Significance of Environmental accounting
b. Corporate environmental reporting in India
6.2 Forensic Accounting –
a. Meaning, Features, and Scope of Forensic accounting
b. Role of Forensic accountant, and essential skills required for a forensic accountant

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