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BCA 301-304 (C) (Bachelor of Computer Application)



SKU: 9788119120895C
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2023
Pages: 520
Edition: First

Original price was: ₹415.00.Current price is: ₹370.00.


Sem III | BCA-301

Bachelor in Computer Application

Fundamental Mathematics and Statistics


Sem III | BCA-302

Bachelor in Computer Application

Operating System


Sem III | BCA-303

Bachelor in Computer Application

Programming in C++


Sem III | BCA-304 (C)

Bachelor in Computer Application

Python Programming


BCA 301 – Fundamental Mathematics and Statistics

Chapter – 1 

Mathematical Logic
1.1 Meaning of Statement
1.2 Primitive and Compound Statements
1.3 Truth Values of a Statement
1.4 Law of Excluded Middle
1.5 Logical Operations : Negation, Conjunction & Disjunction Implication, Double Implication, Equivalence
1.6 Equivalence of Logical Statements
1.7 Truth Tables & Construction of Truth Tables
1.8 Tautology and Contradiction
1.9 Argument : Valid And Invalid Arguments

Chapter – 2 

2.1 Meaning of a Set
2.2 Methods of Describing a Set
2.2.1. Tabular Form
2.2.2. Set Builder Form
2.3 Types of a Set :
2.3.1. Finite Set, Infinite Set, Empty Set, Subset, Universal Set,
2.3.2. Equal Sets, Overlapping Sets, Disjoint Sets, Complementary Set.
2.4 Operations on Sets
2.4.1. Union of Sets
2.4.2. Intersection of Sets
2.4.3. Difference of Sets
2.5 Demorgan’s Laws (Without Proof)
2.6 Venn Diagrams
2.7 Cartesian Product of Two Sets
2.8 Statement of Following Laws (Without Proof) Relating To Union and Intersection of Sets : Idempotent Laws (ii) Identity Laws (iii) Commutative Laws (iv) Associative Laws (v) Distributive Laws

Chapter – 3

3.1 Meaning of a Matrix, Order Of Matrix
3.2 Types of Matrix
3.2.1. Zero Matrix, Column Matrix, Square Matrix, Diagonal Matrix,
3.2.2. Scalar Matrix, Unit Matrix
3.2.3. Symmetric Matrix, Skew-Symmetric Matrix,
3.2.4. Transpose of a Matrix: Singular Matrix & Non-Singular Matrix.
3.3 Algebra of Matrices :
3.3.1. Equality of Matrices
3.3.2. Multiplication of Matrix by A Scalar
3.3.3. Negative of a Matrix
3.3.4. Multiplication of Matrices

Chapter – 4 

Introduction to Statistics
4.1 Meaning of Statistics
4.2 Importance and Limitations of statistics
4.3 Meaning of data, Raw data, Primary data, Secondary data
4.4 Variable and attribute, Types of variable : districts and continuous
4.5 Meaning of Population and sample
4.6 Introduction to methods of sampling : simple random sampling and strafied random sampling

Chapter – 5 

Measures of Central Tendency
5.1 Meaning and central tendency
5.2 Statement of measures of central tendency : arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median and mode
5.3 Partition values : quartiles, deciles and percentiles

Chapter – 6 

Mathematical and Statistical Calculations using MS-EXCEL
6.1 Step by step procedure to perform basic logical function using MS Excel
6.2 Step by step procedure to perform basic mathematical function using MS Excel
6.3 Step by step procedure to perform basic statistical function using MS Excel

BCA 302 – Operating System

Chapter – 1 

1.1 Introduction of an Operating System
1.2 Components of an OS
1.3 Types of OS
1.4 System Call
1.5 Introduction of Linux OS
1.6 Distribution of Linux System
1.7 Benefits of Linux

Chapter – 2 

2.1 Process Concept
2.2 Process Scheduling
2.3 Operations on Processes
2.4 Thread
2.5 Types of Thread
2.6 Multithreading Models

Chapter – 3

3.1 Introduction to Thread
3.2 Types of Thread
3.3 Multithreading Models
3.4 Thread Libraries
3.5 Thread Pools

Chapter – 4 

Linux Operating System
4.1 A Brief History of Linux
4.2 Basic features of Linux OS
4.3 Components of Linux System
4.4 Benefits of Linux
4.5 Logging In and out Using the Linux System
4.6 Creating Additional User Accounts

Chapter – 5 

File System
5.1 Introduction to The File System
5.2 Working with Linux Permissions
5.3 File System Navigation
5.4 Managing the File System Understanding Permissions
5.5 Changing File and Directory Permissions
5.6 Changing Default Permissions and Ownership

Chapter – 6 

File Operations
6.1 Archiving Files
6.2 Archiving Files with Tar
6.3 Archiving Files With CPIO
6.4 Zipping Files
6.5 Creating and Viewing Files Using the Vi Editor
6.6 Studying Other Editors

BCA 303 – Programming in C++

Chapter – 1 

Introduction and Basics of OOP’s
1.1 Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm.
1.2 Need Object-Oriented Programming.
1.3 Characteristics of Object-Oriented Programming.
1.4 Difference of Structured Vs. OOPs.

Chapter – 2 

C++ Controls, Pointers and Functions
2.1 Input / Output in C++
2.2 Data Types, Operators
2.3 Control and Conditional Statements
2.4 Pointer Variables
2.5 Array of Pointer
2.6 Pointer Arithmetic
2.7 Function and Its Components
2.8 Different Types of Parameter Passing Mechanisms
2.9 Pointer as Function Argument
2.10 Recursive Function
2.11 Function Overloading
2.12 Inline Function

Chapter – 3

Object and Classes
3.1 Class Declaration in C++
3.2 Objects
3.3 Constructors and Types of Constructor (Default Constructor,
Copy Constructor, Parameterized constructor)
3.4 Destructor
3.5 Difference between classes and structures
3.6 Friend Class Friend Function

Chapter – 4 

4.1 Inheritance – Definition
4.2 Concept
4.3 Types of Inheritance
4.4 Visibility modes – Public, Private, Protected
4.5 Virtual Base Class
4.6 Benefits of Inheritance

Chapter – 5 

Operator Overloading
5.1 Operator Overloading
5.2 Unary Operator Overloading
5.3 Binary Operator Overloading
5.4 Rules for Operators Overloading
5.5 Operators overloading using friend function

Chapter – 6 

Virtual Functions, Templates and Exception and File handling
6.1 Virtual Function
6.2 Pure Virtual Functions
6.3 Function Templates
6.4 Exception handling constructs
6.5 Introduction to File System
6.6 Basic Read and Write file Functions

BCA 304 (C) – Python Programming

Chapter – 1 

Introduction to Python Programming
1.1 Introduction to Python : History of Python, Version of Python, Need, Features of Python, Applications of Python, Installing Python on Linux and Windows, Installing Python IDE
1.2 Basics of Python Programming : Python Identifiers, Variables and Keywords, Putting Comments, Expressions and Statements
1.3 Standard Data Types – Basic, None, Boolean, Numbers, Type Conversion Function, Operators in Python, Operator Precedence, Accepting Input and Displaying Output

Chapter – 2 

Flow Control Statements, Tuples and Dictionary
2.1 Flow Control Statements : Conditional Statements, Looping Statements, break, continue, pass Statements.
2.2 Introduction to Tuples : Creating Tuples, Deleting Tuples, Accessing elements in a Tuple, Tuples Operations: Concatenation, Repetition, Membership, and Iteration. Built- in Tuples functions and methods
2.3 Introduction to Dictionary : Dictionaries: Concept of key-value pair. Creating, Initializing and Accessing elements in a Dictionary. Traversing, Updating and Deleting elements in a Dictionary Built- in Dictionary functions and methods.

Chapter – 3

Python Strings and Lists
3.1 Introduction to String : String Literals, Assign String to a Variable, Multiline Strings, Operations on Strings.
3.2 Index Operator : Working with the Characters of a String, String Methods, Length, The Slice Operator, and String Comparison.
3.3 Concepts of Python Lists : Creating, Initializing and Accessing elements in lists, Traversing, Updating and deleting elements from Lists.
3.4 List Operations : Concatenation, List Indexing, Slices, Built- in List functions and methods

Chapter – 4 

Python Functions and Modules
4.1 Introduction to Functions : Defining a Function (def.), Calling a Function, Function Arguments- Required arguments, Keyword arguments, Default arguments, Variable-length arguments, Scope of Variables, Void functions and Function returning values, Recursion.
4.2 Advance Function Topics : Anonymous Function Lambda, Mapping Functions.
4.3 Introduction to Modules : Creating Modules and Packages, Importing Modules, Using the dir.() Function, Built-in Modules.

Chapter – 5 

Object Oriented Concepts in Python
5.1 Overview of OOP Terminology : Creating Classes, Creating Objects, Accessing Attributes, Built-In Class Attributes.
5.2 Garbage Collection : Constructor, Overloading Methods, Overriding Methods.
5.3 Inheritance : Implementing a subclass.

Chapter – 6

Python Exception Handling and Regular Expression
Introduction, Handling Exception, try…finally, Raising Exception,
List of Standard Exception, Regular Expression


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