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BO-233 & 243 | Practical Botany

S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III & IV | Botany



SKU: 9789389493214
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2020
Pages: 156
Edition: Student



S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III & IV | BO-233 & 243
Practical Botany

It is our great pleasure to introduce our book on Practical Botany for S.Y.B.Sc. as per CBCS pattern implemented from the year 2020. From this year onward the practical examination will be conducted in Sem III and Sem IV. To collect literature and protocols in systematic manner and it was first task with us and some how we have succeeded in that way.
To do practical means to understand by heart some small or complicated protocol and this is possible by having full involvement and enjoying the given task. If you understand the beauty of honest work then right mood is created in practical work. This helps to develop confidence in the personality that culminates a good success in the examination. We all expect that all students will read first introductory chapter, will act as guidelines to get correct direction to utilize very valuable time of practical class and your valued life too:
This book has two parts – First part includes protoc

Botany Practicals : An Introduction

Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology

Practical No. 1. 
Study of tools of taxonomy and ecological instruments (any four each)

Practical No. 2. 
Description of flowering plant in botanical terms

Practical No. 3. 
Study of plant families (any four)

Practical No. 4. 
Study of ecological adaptations in Hydrophytes with any two examples

Practical No. 5. 
Study of ecological adaptations in Xerophytes with any two examples

Practical No. 6. 
Study of vegetation by list count quadrat method

Plant Physiology

Practical No. 7. 
Perform phytochemical test for starch and protein in germinating and non germinating seeds

Practical No. 8. 
Isolation of Leaf Protein Concentration (LPC) from suitable plant material.

Practical No. 9. 
Determination of Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD)

Practical No. 10. 
Determine rate of transpiration under different conditions of Sunlight, Shade and Wind

Practical No. 11. 
Demonstration of the following
a. Commercial biofertilizers, b. Imbibition in seeds, c. Ringing experiment, d. Arc Auxanometer, e. Spectrophotometer, f. Nitrogen fixing bacteria / BGA (specimen/ slide)

Practical No. 12. 
Calculate seed germination percentage and vigor index

Practical No. 13. 
Botanical excursion tour and visit to Floriculture industry / Soil testing center / Seed testing center

Plant Anatomy and Embryology

Practical No. 1. 
Study of epidermal tissue system – non-glandular and glandular trichomes, multilayered epidermis, typical stomata (Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous).

Practical No. 2. 
Study of mechanical tissues and their distribution in root, stem and leaves.

Practical No. 3. 
Study of normal secondary growth in dicot stem – Annona/Moringa
(Double stained temporary preparation).

Practical No. 4. 
Study of anomalous secondary growth in Bignonia and Dracaena stem
(Double stained temporary preparation).

Practical No. 5. 
Study of tetrasporangiate anther and types of ovules with the help of permanent slides

Practical No. 6. 
Study of dicot and monocot embryo

Plant Biotechnology

Practical No. 7. 
Instruments/equipments used in plant tissue culture laboratory: Principle and working of Autoclave, oven, laminar air flow cabinet, micropipette, culture bottles/tubes with cotton plug

Practical No. 8. 
Preparation & sterilization of MS medium

Practical No. 9. 
Surface sterilization and Inoculation of nodal sector, leaf, anther and maize embryo

Practical No. 10. 
Laboratory cultivation of Spirulina

Practical No. 11. 
Demonstration practical on transgenic crops viz; Bt-Cotton, Golden rice

Practical No. 12. 
Demonstration of principle and working of agarose gel electrophoresis, centrifuge, spectrophotometer

Practical No. 13. 
Visit to plant tissue culture laboratory

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