BOT-203 | Practical Botany
F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | Botany
F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem II | ZOO-203
Practical Botany
We feel delighted in presenting “Practical Botany” for F.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practical’s based on Bot. 201 and Bot. 202 (Sem. II) prescribed by B.O.S. in Botany, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of F.Y.B.Sc. Botany of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.
We acknowledge with gratitude the kind of help and encouragement that received in the preparation of this book from many of our colleagues. The healthy suggestions from all corners of university are invited for subsequent edition.
Practical 1 Study of diversity of Bryophytes
a) Marchantia b) Anthoceros c) Sphagnum
Practical 2 Study of Riccia
2.1. Systematic position
2.2. External morphology
2.3. Mounting of scales and rhizoids
2.4. V. S. of thallus
2.5. V. S. of thallus showing antheridia (P.S.)
2.6. V. S. of thallus showing archegonia (P.S.)
2.7. V. S. of sporophyte (P.S.)
Practical 3 Study of Funaria
3.1. Systematic position
3.2. External morphology
3.3. T. S. of axis
3.4. V. S. of antheridial head (P.S.)
3.5. V. S. of archegonial head (P.S.)
3.6. V. S. of Capsule (P.S.)
3.7. Mounting of spores and peristomal teeth
Practical 4 Study of diversity of Pteridophytes
a) Psilotum b) Lycopodium c) Equisetum
Practical 5 Study of Selaginella
5.1. Systematic position with reasons
5.2. External morphology
5.3. T. S. of Stem
5.4. Mounting of micro and megaspores
5.5. T. S. of Leaf (P. S.)
5.6. V. S of Strobilus (P. S.)
Practical 6 Study of Adiantum
6.1. Systematic position
6.2. External morphology
6.3. T. S. of Rachis
6.4. T. S. of Sorus (P.S.)
6.5. Mounting of spores
Practical 7 How to describe Angiospermic Plant
Practical 8-9-10 Study of plant families
i) Malvaceae iii) Rubiaceae v) Euphorbiaceae
ii) Papilionaceae/Fabaceae iv) Solanaceae vi) Cannaceae
Practical 11 Preparation of artificial key based on vegetative and
reproductive characters
Practical 12 To study Herbarium and its techniques