BOT-302 | Plant Physiology
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | Botany
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | BOT-302
Plant Physiology
It gives us and publisher, a great pleasure and satisfaction to put this book in the hands of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This text has been written according to the new syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, which has been implemented from the academic year 2019-20. The book is primarily meant for S. Y. B. Sc. students of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
The writing of this book strongly influenced by the major purpose to help the students to understand the fundamental nature of Plant Physiology. This book covers all the aspects of Plant Physiology as per syllabus. It has been written in student friendly manner with efforts on making subject matter up to date and concise. We have tried our level best to bring out the quality text book with up to date information, sticking to syllabus. This matter has been augmented with suitable diagrams, illustrations. Each chapter is followed by objective questions, short answer questions and long answer questions. Glossary and model question paper are given at the end. We hence, believe that students of S. Y. B. Sc. Botany will certainly like and appreciate this book. Though extreme care has been taken while writing, editing and proof reading of the book, some mistakes might have crept into the book. The teachers and the taught are requested to point out such mistakes to us. It will be highly appreciated.
Unit 1 Introduction
1.1: Definition, scope and importance of plant physiology.
Unit 2 Plant cell and water relation
2.1: Diffusion: Definition, mechanism of diffusion with suitable example, Diffusion Pressure, Graham’s law of diffusion, significance of diffusion.
2.2: Osmosis- Introduction, definition, mechanism of osmosis with suitable osmometer. Osmotic pressure, turgor pressure and wall pressure, DPD and its relation with OP, TP, and WP. Type of solution: Hypotonic, Hypertonic and Isotonic solution. Type of Osmosis: Exosmosis and Endosmosis, significance of osmosis, Plasmolysis, de-plasmolysis,
2.3: Imbibition: Definition, mechanism, imbibition pressure. Importance of imbibition.
Unit 3 Absorption of water
3.1: Importance of water
3.2: Mechanism of water absorption.
a) Active water absorption- Osmotic theory and non-osmotic theory. b) Passive water absorption.
3.3: Factors affecting water absorption.
Unit 4 Ascent of SAP
4.1: Introduction and definition
4.2: Theories of ascent sap-
a) Vital theories
b) Root pressure theory.
c) Physical force theory- Transpiration pull theory.
Unit 5 Transpiration
5.1: Definition, Magnitude and types of transpiration, Structure of stomata, mechanism of opening and closing of stomata.
5.2: Theories of stomatal opening and closing.
a) Theory of Starch- Glucose interconversion and stomatal opening in Succulent plants (Steward’s theory). b) K+ pump theory.
5.3: Factors affecting rate of transpiration.
5.4: Significance of transpiration.
Unit 6 Mineral nutrition and absorption of mineral salt
6.1: Introduction, essential and non essential elements, Macro and micro nutrient elements.
6.2: Specific function and deficiency symptoms of- Nitrogen, Sulpher, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Boron.
6.3: Mechanism of mineral salt absorption.
a) Passive absorption- Mass flow theory, Ion exchange and Donnan equilibrium. b) Active absorption- Carrier concept theory- Protein lecithin as carrier.
Unit 7 Plant growth and Phytohormones
7.1: Introduction definition of growth, Development and differentiation.
7.2: Definition of Phytohormones and role of Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Ethylene and Abscisic acid.