Business Communication - I
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2020
Pages: 144
Edition: First
Ebook Link:
SYBCom Semester III, वाणिज्य व व्यवस्थापन
- Business Communication : Introduction : 1.0. Introduction, 1.1. Meaning and Definition, 1.2. Characteristics and Importance of Communication, 1.2.1. Characteristics of Communication, 1.2.2. Importance of Communication, 1.2.3. Principles of Communication, 1.3. Process of Communication, 1.4. Methods of Communication, 1.4.1. Verbal Communication, 1.4.2. Non-Verbal Communication, 1.5. Channels of Communication, 1.6. Barriers to Effective Communication, 1.6.1. Major Barriers to Communication, 1.7. Important points to be remembered
- Business Letters : 2.1. Business Letters : Meaning and Importance, 2.2. Essentials/Elements of Business Letter, 2.2.1. Essential Qualities of Business Letter, 2.2.2. Elements/Parts of Business Letters, 2.3. Format and Layout of Business Letter, 2.4. Important points to be remembered
- Soft Skills : 3.1. Introduction, 3.1.1. Meaning of Soft Skill, 3.1.2. Definition of Soft Skill, 3.1.3. Importance of Soft Skills, 3.2. Elements of Soft Skills, 3.2.1. Manners and Etiquettes, Grooming, 3.2.2. Effective Listening and Speaking, 3.2.3. Interview Skills, 3.2.4. Oral Presentation, 3.2.5. Group Discussion, 3.2.6. Problem Solving Skills, 3.2.7. Time Management Abilities, 3.3 Important points to be remembered
- Resume Writing and Job Application Letter : 4.1. Introduction, 4.2. Resume, 4.2.1. Resume Format, 4.3. Bio-Data, 4.3.1. Types of Bio Data, 4.3.2. Drafting of a Bio-Data, 4.4. Curriculum vitae (C.V.), 4.5. Job application letters, 4.5.1. Meaning of Job Application letter, 4.5.2. Types of Job application letter, 4.5.3. Drafting of Job application letter, 4.6 Important points to be remembered, Bibliography
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