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Business Entrepreneurship



SKU: 9789385019487
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2015
Edition: First


  1. Introduction Lectures : 1.1 Meaning, Definition and Concept, 1.2 Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurship, 1.3 Features of Entrepreneurship, 1.4 Evolutionary Approach, 1.5 Functions Of An Entrepreneur, 1.6 Qualities of Entrepreneurship, 1.7 Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager.
  2. Types of Entrepreneur Lectures : 2.1 Classification of entrepreneurship on Different Basis, 2.2 Innovative Entrepreneurs, 2.3 Imitative Entrepreneurs, 2.4 Fabian Entrepreneurs, 2.5 Drone Entrepreneurs
  3. Identification of Business Opportunity Lectures : 3.1 Business Opportunity, 3.2 Sources of Business Product Idea, 3.3 Step in Identification of Business Opportunity, 3.4 Market Survey
  4. Entrepreneurship Development Programme Lectures : 4.1 Concept of EDP, 4.2 Phases of EDP, 4.3 Importance of EDP, 4.4 Objectives of EDP, 4.5 Methods of Training Programme, 4.6 Success of EDP, 4.7 Shortcomings of EDP
  5. Role of Entrepreneur Lectures : 5.1 Entrepreneurship Development in India, a) Before Independence Period, b) Post Independence Period, 5.2 Role of Entrepreneur in Economic Growth and Development, 5.3 Role in Developed and Underdeveloped Economies, 5.4 Impact of Globalisation, Liberalisation & Privatisation On Entrepreneurship
  6. Inducement Measures for Entrepreneurs Lectures : 6.1 Components of Inducement Measures, 6.2 Advantages of Inducement Measures, 6.3 Objection Against Inducement Measures, 6.4 Group Incentive Scheme, 6.5 Incentive Scheme for Small Enterprise
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