Business Regulatory Frame Work
Dr A D Bhosale
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 162
Edition: First
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- Indian Contract Act, 1872 : 1.1 Definition and Essentials of Valid Contract, 1.2 Classification of Contracts, 1.3 Communication, Acceptance and Revocation of Proposal, 1.4 Vide and Voidable Contract. Agreement, 1.5 Contingent and Quasi Contract, 1.6 Performance of Contract, 1.7 Consequences and Remedies of Breach of Contract.
- Special Contacts : 2.1 Indemnity & Guarantee : Meaning, Rights of Indemnity Holder and Indiminator, Essential and Kinds of Guarantee, Distinction between Indemnity and Guarantee, 2.2 Bailment and Pledg : Meaning and Elements; Classification Duties and Rights of Bailor and Bailee, Termination of Bailment. Meaning and Essentials of Pledge, Rights and Duties of Pledgee and Pledger, 2.3 Agency : Meaning, Essentials. Agent, Rules, Test and Creation of Agency, 2.4 Appointment of Agent : Duties, Rights and Position of Principal and Agent, 2.5 Termination of Agency.
- Sales of Goods Act, 1930 & Consumer Protection Act, 1986 : 3.1 General Principles : Meaning Essentials and Formation of Contract of Sale, 3.2 Conditions and Warranties : Meaning Difference, 3.3 Transfer of Ownership : Importance and Rules Regarding Transfer of Ownership Duties of Seller and Buyer, Unpaid Seller, 3.4 Definition of Consumer, Importance, Objectives of Consumer Protection Act, 3.5 Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
- Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 : 4.1 Introduction and Characteristics of Negotiable Instrument, 4.2 Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange, Cheque and Bank Draft and there Definitions Characteristics, Types of endorsements, Crossing of Cheque, 4.3 Holder, Holder in due course, Discharge of parties, 4.4 Acceptance, Dishnour and Discharge of Negotiable Instrument.
- Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 : 5.1 Definition of Goods, Services, CGST, SGST and IGST, 5.2 Input Tax Credit, Supply of Goods or Services or Both, 5.3 Rate of GST, 5.4 Basic Procedures in GST, 5.5 Powers of GST Officer, Offences, Penalties and Appeals.
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