Business Regulatory Framework - II
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2022
Pages: 166
Edition: First
TYBCom Semester VI, वाणिज्य व व्यवस्थापन
- Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 : 1.0 Introduction, 1.1 Characteristics of a negotiable instrument, 1.2 Types of negotiable Instrument, 1.2.1 Promissory notes, 1.2.2 Bill of exchange, 1.2.3 Cheques, 1.2.4 Hundis, 1.3 Parties to negotiable instruments, 1.4 Negotiation, 1.4.1 Modes of negotiation, 1.5 Assignment, 1.5.1 Negotiation and Assignment Distinguished, 1.5.2 Importance of delivery in negotiation, 1.6 Endorsement, 1.7 Instruments without Consideration, 1.8 Holder in Due Course, 1.9 Dishonour of a Negotiable instrument, 1.10 Noting and protesting, 1.11 Dishonor of N. I., kinds, law relating to notice of dishonor, 1.12 Summary, 1.13 Keywords.
- E-Contracts (E-Transactions/E-Commerce) : 2.1. E-Commerce Nature, Formation, Legality. Recognition, 2.2. Attribution, acknowledgement, dispatch of E-Records, 2.3. Digital Signatures – Meaning & functions, Digital Signature, certificates [Sections 35-39], 2.4. Legal issues involved in E-Contracts and personal data protection (Sec.43 A).
- The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 : 3.1. Salient features of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, 3.2. Definitions – Consumer, Complainant, Services, Defect & Deficiency, Complainant, unfair trade practice, restrictive trade practice, unfair contract, 3.3. Consumer Protection Councils, 3.4. Procedure to file complaint & Procedure to deal with complaint in commissions & Reliefs available to consumer. (Sec. 39), 3.5. Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions. (Composition, Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions.).
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) : 4.1. Meaning & importance of IPRs, International efforts in protection of IPR : WIPO (Objectives & activities) & TRIPS Agreement: Objectives, 4.2. Patent : Definition & concept, Rights & obligation of Patentee, its term., 4.3. Copyright : Characteristics & subject matter of copyright, Author & his Rights, term., 4.4. Trademark : Characteristics, functions, illustrations, various marks, term, internet domain name- Rights of trademark holder., 4.5. Design : Importance, characteristics, Rights of design holder., 4.6. Geographical Indications, Confidential Information & Trade Secrets, 4.7. Traditional knowledge-Meaning & scope of these IPRs.
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