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CH-101 | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | Chemistry



SKU: 9789395227049
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2022
Pages: 184
Edition: Student



F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | CH-101
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

We are very glad to present this book on “Physical and Inorganic Chemistry’’ in the hands of F.Y.B.Sc. students and teachers. The book is strictly written according to the CBCS pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Chemistry, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for F.Y.B.Sc to be implemented from August 2022 and is written in very simple language giving exhaustive details. Questions of various types are included at the end of each chapter. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for students and teachers.

1. Atomic Structure (Part-I)
1.0 Atomic Models
1.1 Thomson Model
1.2 Rutherford’s Nuclear Model
1.3 Emission and Absorption Spectra
1.4 Bohr Atomic Model for Hydrogen atom
1.5 Quantum Mechanical Model of atom
1.6 Orbitals and Quantum Numbers

2. Mathematical Preparation in Chemistry 
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Logarithms
2.2 Graphical representation of Equation
2.3 Derivative and Integration
2.4 Derivative
2.5 Integration

3. The Gaseous State 
3.0 Ideal Gas Equation
3.1 The Gas Constant (R)
3.2 The Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gases
3.3 Deduction of Gas Laws from Kinetic Theory of Gases
3.4 Applicability of the Ideal Gas Laws
3.5 Compressibility Factor (Z)
3.6 Reasons for Deviation from Ideal Gas Law (Limitation of Kinetic
theory of gases)
3.7 Van der Waals’ Equation of State
3.8 Unit and Significance of Van der Waals’ constant
3.9 Critical Phenomena and Critcal Constant
3.10 Critical Phenomena in Liquids
3.11 Andrew’s experiment
3.12 Andrew’s Isotherm of CO2. (P-V-T Relation of gas and liquid)
3.13 Application of Van der Waals’ Equation to the Isotherms of Carbon dioxide
3.14 Determination of Van der Waals’ constants in terms of Critical Constnts.
3.15 Critical Constants in terms of Van der Waals’ Constant
3.16 Determination of Critical Constants of Gases
3.17 Liquification of Gases
3.18 Joule – Thomson Effect

4. Atomic structure (Part-II) 
4.1 Long form of periodic table
4.2 Periodic law
4.3 Modern periodic law
4.4 Electronic configuration
4.5 Aufbau Principle
4.6 Pauli’s Exclusion principle
4.7 Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
4.8 Principle of stability
4.9 Classification of elements based on electronic configuration and energy levels
4.10 Shapes of s, p and d-orbitals

5. Periodic Properties of Elements 
5.1 Atomic and Ionic size
5.2 Covalent radius
5.3 Vander Waal’s radius (rw)
5.4 Ionic radii
5.5 Ionisation energy (Ionisation potential)
5.6 Electron affinity
5.7 Electronegativity
5.8 Determination of electronegativity by Pauling and Mulliken method
5.9 Electronegativity and percent Ionic character
5.10 Metallic Character

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