CH-605 | Inorganic Chemistry - III
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | Chemistry
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | CH-601
Physical Chemistry – II
It’s a great pleasure for us to present this book Inorganic Chemistry-III (CH 605, Semester VI) for T.Y.B.Sc. students of the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. This book is written as per the revised syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune to be implemented from June 2021.
We have tried to explain the concepts and information in lucid language so that students could understand it easily. Many senior faculty members have inspired us to perform this duty. We feel it’s not a new creations but presentation in simple form for the better understanding of students.
1. Acid–Base and Donor–Acceptor Chemistry
1.1 Acid–Base Models as Organizing Concepts
1.2 Arrhenius Concept
1.3 Brønsted–Lowry Concept
1.4 Solvent system concept
1.5 Lux Flood concept
1.6 Lewis Concept
1.7 Frontier Orbitals and Acid–Base Reactions
1.8 Hard and soft acids and bases
1.9 Theory of hard and soft acids bases
1.10 Acid and base strength (proton affinity)
1.11 Acidity and basicity of binary hydrogen compounds
1.12 Inductive effects
1.13 Steric effect
1.14 Strength of oxy acids
1.15 Acidity of cations in aqueous solutions
1.16 Non-aqueous solvents and acid and base strengths
1.17 Super acids
2. Ionic Solids
2.1 Introduction of Solids
2.2 Classification of Solid
2.3 Crystal structures (Crystallography)
2.4 Types and Properties of Crystalline Solids
2.5 Packing arrangements of anions in an ionic solid (Close Packing)
2.6 The voids OR Holes
2.7 Ionic Radii
2.8 Palings Univalent Radii
2.9 Pauling Crystal Radii
2.10 Conversion of univalent radii to crystal radii
2.11 Radius Ratio Effect
2.12 Lattice Energy / Crystal Energy
2.13 Theoretical method : Born – Lande equation
2.14 Experimental method: Born – Haber cycle
2.15 Defect Structure
3. Chemistry of Zeolites
3.1 Historical Background, Natural and artificial Zeolites,
3.2 Zeolite Framework Types : 1) Classification, 2) Nomenclature, 3) Database of Zeolite Structures, 4) Channels, 5) Building Units, 6) Natural Tiles, 7) Framework Density, 8) Coordination Sequences
3.3 Zeolite Structures : 1) Framework Composition, 2) Extra-framework Species, 3) Stacking Faults and Disorder
3.4 Synthesis of Zeolites : 1) Introduction, 2) Basic Zeolite Synthesis, 3) Mineralizing Agents, 4) Effects of water concentration, 5) Gel preparation and crystallization, 6) Structure Directing Agents (SDA)
3.5 Applications : 1) Zeolites as Heterogeneous Catalysts : A) Critical Properties for Catalysis,
B) Catalytic Applications, C) Zeolites for Fine Chemistry, D) Acylation and Alkylation Aromatic Hydrocarbons, 2) Zeolites for Adsorption and Separations
4. Introduction to Nanochemistry
4.1 Introduction, Definition, Nanomaterials, Nanochemistry
4.2 Synthesis and Stabilization of Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction
4.3 Methods for synthesis of nanoparticles, Physical Methods. Chemical methods, Biological methods, Hybrid methods, Particles of Various Shapes and Films
4.4 Reactions in Micelles, Emulsions, and Dendrimers
4.5 Photochemical and Radiation Chemical Reduction
4.6 Cryochemical Synthesis
4.7 Properties and Application of Nanoparticles in Science and Technology
4.8 Applications of CNTs
5. Chemical Toxicology
5.1 1) Introduction, 2) Classification of Toxic Substance, 3) Toxic chemicals in the environment,
5.2 Impact of toxic chemistry on enzymes
5.3 Biochemical effect of Arsenic
5.4 Biochemical effect of Cadmium
5.5 Biochemical effect of Lead
5.6 Biochemical effect of Mercury
5.7 Biological methylation
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