CH-611 (A) | Analytical Chemistry - II
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | Chemistry
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | CH-611 (A)
Analytical Chemistry – II
It gives us an immense pleasure to handover this book in the hands of T.Y.B.Sc Chemistry students studying under Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. This book is purely based on the curriculum of T.Y.B.Sc Chemistry Semester-II for the subject CH-611 Analytical Chemistry-II. The main aim while writing this book was to prepare the topics from the syllabi in simple and facile language in order to enhance the interest of the students towards the Analytical Chemistry and at the same time to get the basic knowledge of various instrumental techniques used in the industrial sectors. We feel that both needs of students have been achieved in this textbook.
The chapters in this book cover all the syllabi points in very simplified way. To make the learning easy we have added figures, reactions, tables, graphs and all necessary things which will boost students understanding level of the subject. While writing this book care is also taken students should achieve the learning objective of each and every topic as per the curriculum. In every topic application of the given technique is also added which help the student to get idea about relevance of that specific technique in industrial sector and indirectly in our day to day life.
1. Solvent Extraction┬а
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Principle
1.3 The Distribution Coefficient: KD
1.4 The Distribution Ratio: D
1.5 The Percentage Extracted: %E
1.6 Multiple Extraction ( Amount Remain Unextracted)Wn
1.7 Separation Factor ()
1.8 Classification of extraction process
1.9 Factors influencing (Favoring) solvent extraction technique
1.10 Technique of Solvent Extraction
1.11 Applications of Solvent Extraction
1.12 Solid Phase Extraction.
2. Instrumental Methods of Chromatographic Analysis┬а
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Principles of Chromatographic Separations
2.3 Classification of Chromatography
2.4 Theory of Column Efficiency in Chromatography
2.5 Illustration of thin layer chromatographic (TLC) separation
3. High Performance Liquid Chromatography┬а
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Types of liquid chromatography (liquid-solid, liquid-liquid, bonded phases)
3.3 Equipment for HPLC
3.4 Column efficiency
3.5 HPLC chromatogram and its characteristics
3.6 Application of HPLC.
4. Gas Chromatography┬а
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Instrumentation of GC
4.3 Application of Gas Chromatography
4.4 Elemental analysis
5. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy┬а
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Elementary Theory
5.3 Instrumentation
5.4 Resonance Line Sources
5.5 Monochromator
5.6 Detectors
5.7 Interferences
5.8 Background Correction Methods
5.9 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers
5.10 Experimental Preli minaries
5.11 Preparation of Sample
5.12 Detection Limits
5.13 Estimation of Ca and Mg in Water
6. Flame Emission Spectroscopy┬а
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Emission Spectra
6.3 Flame Emission Spectroscopy
6.4 Flame Photometers
6.5 Evaluation Methods
6.6 Applications
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