Company Law
Dr A D Bhosale
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 126
Edition: First
Ebook Link:
- Introduction : 1.1 Introduction; Definition; Salient Features of Company Act 2013, 1.2 Formation of Company; Stages of Formation, 1.3 Promoters, Functions of Promoters, Duties And Liabilities of Promoters, 1.4 Types of Company
- Incorporation of Company : 2.1 Incorporation of Company, 2.2 Prospectus of Company, 2.3 MOA of Company, 2.4 Articles of Company
- Share Capital of Company : 3.1 Share Capital of Company, Types of Shares And Debentures, 3.2 Issue of Shares, Allotment, Calls And Forfeitures of Shares, 3.3 Transfer And Transmission of Share, 3.4 Share Certificate And Share Warrant.
- Securities Market : 4.1 Brief History of Stock Exchange, Study of Functions of BSE And NSE, 4.2 Stock Exchange And Its Importance, 4.3 Primary Market And Secondary Market; Components of Primary Market, 4.4 D-Mat Account: Definition And Procedure.
- Company Secretary and Company Meeting : 5.1 Appointment, Duties And Responsibilities of Company Secretary, 5.2 Types of Company Meeting: Annual And General Meeting of Company, Statutory Meeting of Company, Extraordinary Meeting, 5.3 Notice of Meeting And Agenda of Meeting, Proceedings of Meeting, 5.4 Voting Methods of Meeting And Quorum, Minutes, Proceeding of Meeting, Its Contents