Computer Concepts and Applications - II
(Sem - II)
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Edition: First
Ebook Link:
- Introduction To E-Commerce Tools : I. Process of E-Commerce – 1.1 Types of E-Commerce; 1.2 Role of Internet and Web in E-Commerce; 1.3 Technologies Used in E-Commerce Systems, II E-Commerce Activities: 1.4 Various Activities of E-Commerce; 1.5 Various Modes of Operation Associated with E-Commerce; 1.6 Elements and Resources Impacting E-Commerce and Changes; 1.7 Types of E-Commerce Providers and Vendors; 1.8 Opportunity Development for E Commerce Stages; 1.9 Development of E-Commerce Business Case; 1.10 Steps to Design and Develop an E-Commerce Website. 1.11 Components and Factors for the Development of the Business Case.
- Introduction To E-Marketing : I E-Marketing: 2.1 Traditional Marketing; 2.2 E-Marketing; 2.3 Identifying Web Presence Goals – Achieving web presence goals, 2.4 Uniqueness of the web, 2.5 Meeting the needs of website visitors, 2.6 Site Adhesion: Content, format and access; 2.7 Maintaining a Website; 2.8 Metrics Defining Internet Units of Measurement; 2.9 Online Marketing; Advantages of Online Marketing. II E-Customer Relationship Management: 2.10 Marketing automation, 2.11 Enterprise customer management; 2.12 Customer Relationship Management Areas; 2.13 CRM Processes; 2.14 Architectural Components of a CRM Solution – Customer’s information repository, 2.15 Campaign management, Event triggers, business logic and rules repository, Forecasting and planning tools, 2.16 Electronic Customer Relationship Management; 2.17 Need, Architecture and Applications of Electronic CRM. III Supply Chain Management: 2.18 Supply Chain Management (SCM); 2.19 Goals of SCM; Functions of SCM; 2.20 Strategies of SCM; Electronic SCM and its benefits; 2.21 Components of Electronic SCM; 2.22 Electronic Logistics and its Implementation.
- Electronic Payment System : I Electronic Data Interchange: 3.1 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) : 3.1.1 Introduction to EDI, 3.1.2 EDI Architecture, Financial EDI, Overview of the technology involved in EDI, 3.2 Introduction to EPS: Application of Online payment system, Introduction to EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) Types of EFT (NEFT, RTGS), E Payment Systems: Electronic Funds Transfer; Digital Token Based E-Payment Systems; Modern Payment Systems; Steps for Electronic Payment; Payment Security; Net Banking. Introduction to Digital Signature and Digital Certificates, Stages of SET Types of Payment System: Digital Cash, Electronic Cheque, Smart Card, Credit/Debit Card.
- Introduction To M-Commerce : Definition, Need and Scope, Advantages and disadvantages of M-commerce, M-Commerce and its applications, Types of M-Commerce. Products and Services of M-Commerce, Mobile payment application. Difference between E-commerce and M-Commerce.
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