Prashant Publications

Computer Fundamental and Operating System - I



SKU: 9789394403949
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2022
Pages: 176
Edition: First



1. Fundamentals of Computer :
1.1 Introduction to Computer
1.2 Definition
1.3 Characteristics
1.4 Evolution and Generations
1.4.1 First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes
1.4.2 Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors
1.4.3 Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits
1.4.4 Fourth Generation (1971-Present) Microprocessors
1.4.5 Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence
1.5 Digital Computer
1.6 Types of Computer
1.7 Applications of Digital Computer

2. Computer Organization :
2.1 Block diagram of computer
2.2 Computer Organization: Input unit, Output unit
2.3 CPU-Memory unit, Arithmetic Logical Unit, Control unit
2.4 Concept of software and hardware
2.4.1 Concept of Software
2.4.2 Concept of Hardware
2.4.3 The most important types of hardware
2.4.4 Difference between Hardware and Software
2.5 Types of Software-System software, Application software, Firmware.
2.5.1 System Software
2.5.2 Application Software
2.5.3 Firmware
2.5.4 Difference between System & Application Software

3. Computer Memory and Types :
3.1 Introduction of Memory
3.1.1 Primary Memory – Concept
3.1.2 Types of Random-Access Memory
3.1.3 Types of Read Only Memory
3.1.4 Differences Between RAM and ROM
3.2 Secondary Memory
3.2.1 Concept of secondary memory
3.2.2 Types of Secondary Memory
3.2.3 Differences Between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.
3.3 Cache Memory
3.3.1 Advantages of Cache Memory.
3.3.2 Disadvantages of Cache Memory.

4. Input / Output Devices of Computer System :
4.1 Concept of Input device
4.1.1 Keyboard
4.1.2 MICR
4.1.3 OCR
4.1.4 OMR
4.1.5 Bar Coding
4.1.6 Joystick
4.1.7 Scanner
4.1.8 Mouse
4.1.9 Light Pen
4.1.10 Track Ball
4.1.11 Microphone
4.1.12 Touchpad
4.4.13 Touchscreen
4.4.14 Web camera
4.2 Concept of Output device
4.2.1 Printers
4.2.2 Difference between impact and Non-Impact Printer
4.2.3 Monitor
4.2.4 Plotter
4.2.5 Speaker
4.2.6 Headphone
4.2.7 LCD Projector
4.3 Difference Between Input Device and Output Device

5. Word Processing [MS-WORD 2013/2016] :
5.1 Concept of word processing
5.2 MS-word screen components
5.3 Working with ribbon
5.4 Word Document: Creating, Opening, Saving & Printing Documents
5.5 Editing text documents
5.6 Editing text document: Cut, Copy, Past
5.7 Paragraph Formatting
5.8 Aligning text and paragraph
5.9 Line spacing
5.10 Bullets and numbering
5.11 Border and shading
5.12 Header and Footer
5.13 Multiple columns
5.14 Change case
5.15 Subscript, Superscript
5.16 Page Setup
5.17 Proofing and Printing
5.18 Find and Replace

Prashant Publications
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