Curriculum and Pedagogic Studies : ENGLISH
(B.Ed. Second Year)
1. Aspects of English Language :
1.1 Prose
1.1.1 Meaning of Prose
1.1.2 Objectives of teaching Prose
1.1.3 Types of prose
1.1.4 Element of Novel
1.1.5 Autobiography
1.1.6 Biography
1.1.7 Essay
1.1.8 Drama
1.1.9 Teaching of prose
1.2 Poetry
1.2.1 Concept of Poetry
1.2.2 Common Objectives of Teaching Poetry
1.2.3 The objectives of teaching poetry in primary level
1.2.4 Types of Poetry
1.2.5 Planning for Teaching Poetry
1.2.6 Methods and techniques of teaching poetry
1.2.7 Advantages of teaching poetry
1.2.8 Disadvantages of Teaching Poetry
1.2.9 Difference between prose and Poetry
1.3 Grammar
1.3.1 Meaning of Grammar
1.3.2 Objectives of teaching Grammar
1.3.3 Types of Grammar
1.3.4 Methods of teaching Grammar
1.4 Composition
4.1.1 Meaning
1.4.2 Objectives of teaching composition
1.4.3 Types of composition
1.4.4 Principles of teaching composition.
2. Acquisition of Second Language :
2.1. Language acquisition: Meaning and Concept
2.2 Meaning of Second language acquisition
2.3. Language acquisition vs. language learning
2.4. Second language acquisition theories : a) Acculturation Theory b) Contrastive Theory c) Identity theory d) Monitor Theory e) Classroom implications of the theory
2.5. The factors that influence the acquisition of a second language
2.6. Oral communication development through acquisition activities
2.7. The five stages of second language acquisition
2.8. The Role of the First Language in Second Language Acquisition
3. Index of Grammar Content Enrichment :
3.1. Articles, Clauses and its Functions
3.1.1 Articles
3.1.2 Clauses and Its Functions
3.2 Determiners
3.3 Reported Speech
3.3.1 Direct and Indirect Speech
3.3.2 Reported Speech, Reporting Verb
3.3.3 Changing Tenses
3.3.4 Changing Personal Pronouns and Possessives
3.3.5 Changing Words Denoting Time and Position
3.4 Transformation
3.4.1 Degrees of Comparison
3.4.2 Either-or, neither- nor
3.4.3 Sentences Containing the Adverb ‘Too’
3.4.4 Hardly-When
3.4.5 Voice
3.4.6 if not- Unless
3.4.7 No sooner than- as soon as
3.4.8 Interchange of Affirmative and Negative Sentences
3.5 Exclamatory, Interrogative, Question tag
3.5.1 Interrogative Sentence
3.5.2 Interrogative sentence and its functions
3.6 Figure of Speech
4. Application of Functional English Language :
4.1. Letter writing
4.1.1 Types of Letter
4.2 Essay Writing
4.2.1 Concept
4.2.2 The Essay Structure
4.2.3 Components of a Good Essay
4.2.4 The Art of Essay Writing
4.3 Report Writing
4.3.1 Concept of Report
4.3.2 Report Writing Format
4.3.4 Newspaper Report Format
4.3.5 What is Report Writing?
4.3.6 Important Points for Report Writing
4.4 Dialogue Writing
4.4.1 Concept
4.4.2 Important Points for Dialogue Writing
4.4.3 Format of Dialogue Writing
4.4.4 Dialogue Tags
4.4.5 Example
4.5 Story Writing
4.5.1 Concept of Story
4.5.2 Structure / format of a story
4.5.3 Some important points for story writing
4.6 Summary Writing
4.6.1 Concept
4.6.2 What a summary?
4.6.3 Four steps outline below to write a good summary
4.7 Email Writing
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Writing Effective Emails
4.7.3 The Language of Emails
4.7.4 Rules for Effective Emails
5. Teaching Language through Literature :
5.1. Teaching Language through literature
5.1.1 Literature :
5.1.2 Importance for teaching language through literature?
5.1.3 Teaching language through literature
5.1.4 Advantages teaching Literature/teaching language
5.2 Literature in ELT
5.2.1 Certain factors in ELT Classroom
5.3 Challenges to be faced when using literature in classroom Usage of Literary Texts in ELT
5.4 Teaching Literature: Why and What
5.5 Reasons for Using Literary Texts in Foreign Language Classes:
5.6 Literature as a Model for Writing
5.7 Benefits of different Genres of literature to Language
5.7.1 Poetry
5.7.2 Short Stories
5.7.3 Drama
5.7.4 Novel
6. From Theory to Practice: Constructivism in ELT :
6.1. Constructivism: Meaning and Concept
6.2. Two Approaches to Constructivism: a) Cognitive Constructivism b) Social Constructivism
6.3. Understanding the Theory of Constructivism from an Instructional Design perspective
6.4. Constructivist Instructional Design Models Implications of Constructivism for ELT Pedagogy
6.5. Suggestions for Teaching with the Constructivist Learning Theory
6.6. Constructivist Activities in the ELT Classroom
6.7. Limitations of Constructivism
7. Curricular, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities for English Language Development :
7.1. Meaning and Concept of Curricular
7.1.1 Curricular : Meaning
7.1.2 Concepts of curriculum :
7.1.3 Need and importance of curriculum
7.1.4 A principles of curriculum: Development
7.2 Meaning and concept of Co-Curriculum Activities
7.2.1 Types of Co-curricular Activities
7.2.2 Need and importance of Co-curricular Activities
7.3 Extra-Curricular Activities
7.3.1 Definition :
7.3.2 Types of Extra-Curricular activities
7.3.3 Benefits of Extra-Curricular Activities
7.4 CCE Programmes (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation)
7.4.1 Concept:
7.4.2 Objectives of CCE
7.4.3 Scholastic Evaluation
7.5 Activities to develop various skills in English
7.5.1 Listening Skill
7.4.2 Speaking Skill
7.4.3 Reading Skill
7.4.4 Writing Skill
7.4.5 Communication Skill
7.5 Integration of activities for personality Development:
8. Teaching English Language through Movies :
8.1 Movies and ELT
8.2 Criteria of Selection of the movies
8.3 For instance – criteria of the movies selection
8.4 The Effects of Movies on English Language Learning
8.5 Role of Movies in Language Skill Development (LSRWC)
8.6 Vocabulary Enrichment through movies
8.7 Merits and Demerits of using movies in teaching of English as second language
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