ELE-301 | Analog Communication
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | Electronics
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | ELE-301
Analog Communication
We are very glad to present the book “ELE– 301: Analog Communication’’ in the hands of SYBSc students. The book is strictly written and complied according to the semester pattern syllabus framed by the Board of Studies in Electronics, KBC NMU Jalgaon, for Second year BSc to be implemented from June 2019 and is written in lucid, simple language giving exhaustive details. This will help in generating interest and thorough understanding of the subject. We hope, this book will be useful for the students and teachers.
This book is an ideal for any science student or engineering students who wishes to study the subject from its basic principles as well as serving as a guide to more advanced topics for readers of analog circuits and applications.
Unit 1 Basics of Electronic Communication
1.1 Importance of Electronic communication
1.2 Types of Signals
1.3 Block diagram of electronic communication system
1.4 Types of electronic communications
1.5 Electromagnetic Spectrum
1.6 Noise – 1.6.1 Types of Noise, 1.6.2 Effects of Noise
1.7 Signal to Noise Ratio (S/N or SNR)
Unit 2 Amplitude Modulation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Modulation
2.3 Need of modulation in communication systems
2.4 Types of modulation
2.5 Continuous Wave Modulation- 2.5.1 Amplitude modulation 2.5.2 Modulation index or depth of modulation 2.5.2 Modulation factor in terms of Amax and Amin 2.5.3 Expression f or amplitude modulated wave 2.5.5 Side band frequencies, bandwidth and Frequency Spectrum of AM wave 2.5.6 Significance of modulation factor 2.5.7 Power Relation 2.5.8 Concept of side bands (DSB-SC, SSB-TC, SSB-SC, VSB) modulation
2.6 Block diagram of AM Transmitter and its operation
2.7 Transistorized AM Modulator (Emitter modulator)
2.8 Advantages, disadvantages and applications of Amplitude Modulation
2.9 Demodulation – 2.9.1 Detection of Amplitude Modulated (AM) wave
2.10 A.M. Diode Detector
2. 11 A.M. Radio receivers-2.11.1 Types of A.M. radio receivers, 2.11.2 Superhetrodyne radio receiver
Unit 3 Angle Modulation
3.1 Concept of Angle modulation.
3.2 Frequency Modulation – 3.2.1 Frequency deviation (Df) 3.2.2 Modulation index(mf) 3.2.3 % modulation of FM wave 3.2.4 Deviation ratio in FM (DR) 3.2.5 Deviation sensitivity (Kf) 3.2.6 Carrier swing 3.2.7 Concept of Side Bands 3.2.8 Frequency Spectrum 3.2.9 Bandwidth of FM 3.2.10 Narrow band and wideband FM
3.3 Phase modulation
3.4 Equivalence between FM and PM
3.5 Comparison between FM and PM
3.6 Comparison between AM and FM
3.7 Advantages of Frequency Modulation
3.8 Disadvantages Frequency Modulation
3.9 Applications of Frequency Modulation – 3.9.1 Generation of FM 3.9.2 Generation of FM using VCO
3.10 Frequency demodulation – 3.10.1 Ratio detector
Unit 4 Analog Pulse Modulation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Need of pulse modulation
4.3 Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)- 4.3.1 Definition 4.3.2 Generation and De-modulation of PAM signals
4.4. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – 4.4.1 Definition 4.4.2 Generation and demodulation of PWM signal
4.5 Pulse position modulation (PPM) – 4.5.1 Definition 4.5.2 Generation and demodulation of PPM
4.6 Comparison between PAM, PWM & PPM
4.7 Multiplexing – 4.7.1 Types of Multiplexers
4.8 Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
4.9 Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
4.10 Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)