Fundamentals of Chemistry - I
F.Y.B.Sc. | SEM. I | Chemistry | CHE-101 (T)
We are happy to place the first edition of CHE 101-T (MJ) Fundamentals of Chemistry – I, under faculty of Science and Technology, Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, according to new syllabus implemented from year 2024-2025, as per National Education Policy – 2020.
This book is written as per New syllabus introduced from 2024-25. We have tried to explain the concepts and information in easy language so that students could understand it easily. We feel that the information is presented in a simple form for the better understanding of students.
This book includes explanation for each point, number of illustrative examples are given and exercise is given at the end of each topic for the benefit of students. In our view the book will fulfil the expectations of students and teachers.
We express our sincere thanks to our colleagues and persons who have helped us directly or indirectly during writing this book.
1. Essentials of Analytical Chemistry
1.1 What is analytical Chemistry.
1.2 The analytical perspectives.
1.3 Common analytical problems.
1.4 Importance in various fields.
1.5 Some important units of measurements-SI units.
1.6 Distinction between mass and weight, mole, millimole and Calculations.
1.7 Solution and their concentrations- Molar, Normal and Molar concentrations, percent concentration, part per million, part per billion, part per thousand.
1.8 Density and specific gravity of solutions, problems.
1.9 Empirical and Molecular Formulas, Stoichiometric Calculations, Problems.
1.10 Introduction to errors.
1.11 Limitations of analytical methods.
1.12 Classifications of errors, accuracy, precision, minimization of errors.
1.13 Significant figures and computation.
2. Atomic Structure
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Bohr’s theory.
2.3 Limitations Bohr’s theory.
2.4 Atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom.
2.5 Quantum Numbers.
2.6 The concept of atomic orbitals; shapes.
2.7 Many electron atoms and ions.
2.8 Pauli’s exclusion principle.
2.9 Hund’s rule.
2.10 Aufbau principle and its limitations.
2.11 Quantum Mechanics.
3. Essentials of Organic Chemistry
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Physical Effects.
3.3 Structure and reactivity of organic molecules.
3.4 Structural Effects.
3.5 Comparative study of strength of acids and bases based on Inductive and Resonance effect.
3.6 Cleavage of bonds.
3.7 Reaction Intermediates.
4. Catalysis and Surface Chemistry
4.1 Catalysis.
4.2 Types of catalyst and catalysis.
4.3 Specificity and Selectivity of catalyst.
4.4 Mechanism of catalyzed reaction at solid surfaces (diffusion theory of catalysis).
4.5 Introduction to Surface Chemistry.
4.6 Factors Affecting Adsorption.
4.7 Characteristics of Adsorption.
4.8 Types of Adsorption.
4.9 Classification of Adsorption Isotherms.
4.10 Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm.
4.11 Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm.
4.12 Application of Adsorption.
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