Fundamentals of Marketing - I
According to the National Education Policy 2020, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (SPPU) has decided to change the curriculum of FYBCOM for the Faculty of Commerce and Management, from the academic year 2024-2025. The fundamentals of marketing subject are important at the major level in the class curriculum. We have written the present book according to the syllabus of NEP pattern. The broader interest of professors, researchers and students teaching this subject has been taken into consideration while writing the book. We have also considered that the students and scholars of the Faculty of Commerce and Management should get a better understanding of this subject and develop the skills of this subject. We are particularly happy to hand over the present book to the readers, as it has been written using as many concepts as possible related to the subject, simple and understandable language. Not only will it benefit students of the subject, but it will also benefit research students and research mentors and professors. It also includes questions designed to prepare students for competitive exams. The library has helped with reference books by many eminent authors for book writing.
1. Introduction to Market and Marketing
1.1 Meaning and Definition of Market
1.2 Types of Markets
1.3 Marketing Concept
1.4 Difference Between Modern and Traditional Marketing
1.5 Importance of Marketing
1.6 Functions of Marketing
1.7 Difference Between Sales and Marketing
2. Market Segmentation and Marketing Mix
2.1 Market Segmentation: 2.1.1 Introduction 2.1.2 Meaning and Definition 2.1.3 Importance 2.1.4 Limitations 2.1.5 Bases for Segmentation
2.2 Marketing Mix: 2.2.1 Introduction 2.2.2 Meaning & Definition 2.2.3 Elements of Marketing Mix- Product, Price, Place and Promotion 2.2.4 Importance of Marketing Mix
3. Salesmanship
3.1 Introduction, Meaning and Definition
3.2 Features and Scope of Salesmanship
3.3 Elements of Salesmanship
3.4 Salesmanship: Arts or Science
3.5 Qualities for Salesman
3.6 Salesmanship – a Profession
4. Distribution Channel and Physical Distribution
4.1 Distribution channels concepts and role
4.2 Types of Distribution Channel
4.3 Factors affecting types of distribution channel
4.4 Promotion- methods of Promotion
4.5 Advertising Concepts and Important of advertising
4.6 Types of advertising
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