Genetics and Medical Zoology
F.Y.B.Sc. | SEM. I | Zoology | ZOO-101 (T)
The authors and publisher of this book have a great pleasure and satisfied to present this book, Genetics and Medical Zoology (ZOO -101-T) Semester I for F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology students as one of the major subject. The book has been written as per the new revised syllabus B. Sc. Zoology Certificate, diploma, Major (03 years) / B.Sc. Honours in Zoology (04 years) for the Colleges Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune to be implemented from June 2024.
The main aim in writing this book is to provide basic information of the subject to cater the needs of the subject as per National Education Policy (NEP), 2020. We tried to explain the concepts and information in a simple lucid language so that students could understand it easily.
We feel that it’s not a new creation but presentation in simple form for the better understanding of students. The figures and photographs included in each chapter will help the students to grasp the subject matter. We provided glossary, question paper pattern, questions and Genetics problems with solutions, and M.C.Qs. at the end of the book that will help the students for study.
1. Recapitulation of Mendelian Genetics
1.1 Mendel’s work: Selection of Experimental plant.
1.2 Mendelian inheritance: Laws of heredity and their practical applications (Monohybrid cross and Dihybrid cross).
1.3 Test cross and back cross.
2. Non-Mendelian Genetics
2.1 Concept of gene Interaction: Intra-allelic interactions and Interallelic interactions.
2.2 Dominance and Co-dominance.
2.3 Inter-allelic interactions: Co-dominance and incomplete dominance (concept of epistasis, complimentary factors (9 : 7), supplementary factors (9 : 3 : 4), inhibitory factors (13 : 3), duplicate dominant genes (factors) (15 : 1).
2.4 Lethal genes in Mus musculus.
3. Multiple Allel
3.1 Concept and characteristics.
3.2 ABO blood group system, Inheritance of Rh antigen, Erythroblastosis foetalis and their medicolegal importance of these systems.
4. Chromosomes
4.1 Introduction: Morphology and types of chromosomes (based on the position of centromere and involvement in sex determination).
4.2 Chromatin, its structure and its types (Euchromatin and Heterochromatin).
4.3 Giant chromosomes (Polytene chromosome and Lamp brush chromosomes).
4.4 Chromosomal aberrations: Structural (Deletion, duplication, inversion and translocation) and Numerical (Euploidy, monoploidy, polyploidy- autopolyploidy & allopolyploidy and aneuploidymonosomy, nullisomy, trisomy).
5. Sex Determination
5.1 Genetically Controlled Sex Determination
5.2 Parthenogenesis & Gynandromorphism
5.2.1 Parthenogenesis
5.2.2 Gynandromorphs
6. Sex Linked Inheritance
6.1 Sex-linked inheritance
6.2 Examples of Sex-linked inheritance.
7. Introduction to Medical Zoology
7.1 Definitions
7.2 Branches of Medical Zoology:
7.2.1. Medical Protozoology,
7.2.2. Medical Helminthology,
7.2.3. Medical Entomology.
8. Epidemic Diseases in Human
8.1 Typhoid.
8.2 Cholera.
8.3 Small pox
9. Vector Borne Diseases in Human
9.1 Dengue.
9.2 Chicken Guinea.
9.3 Viral Influenza.
9.4 Scabies
10. Microbial Diseases in Human
10.1 Causative organism and clinical features of the Tuberculosis
10.2 Causative organism and clinical features of the Hepatitis
10.3 Causative organism and clinical features of the AIDS.
11. Investigations and Treatments of Human Physiological Disorders
11.1 Angiography.
11.2 Angioplasty.
11.3 Dialysis
Question paper pattern
Glossary- Genetics Terminology
Questions and Problems with solutions in genetics
Multiple Choice Questions
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