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Geography of Maharashtra



SKU: 9789388769068
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 264
Edition: First
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  1. Geographical Personality of Maharashtra : 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Historical Background 1.3 Cultural Heritage 1.4 History of State Formation 1.5 Geographical Information: Location, Extent, Size, Shape, Area, Boundaries 1.6 Administrative Divisions 1.7 Regional Divisions 1.8 Place and Role of Maharashtra in India
  2. Physical Structure of Maharashtra : 2.1 Konkan Region 2.2 Sahyadri Mountain Range 2.3 Maharashtra Plateau 2.4 Satpura Mountain Range 2.5 Geological Set-up
  3. Drainage system of Maharashtra : 3.1 Rivers in Konkan 3.2 Rivers and Their Basins in Plateau Region : 3.2.1. Tapi-Purna Valley, 3.2.2. Godavary Valley, 3.2.3. Krishna Basin, 3.2.4. Pranhita River 3.3. Lakes and Ponds
  4. Climate of Maharashtra : 4.1 Characteristics of Climate 4.2 Factors affecting on Climate 4.3 Seasons 4.4 Distribution of Rainfall and its Characteristics
  5. Natural Vegetation of Maharashtra : 5.1 Types of Forest 5.2 Spatial Distribution of Forest 5.3 Importance of Forest 5.4 Causes of Deforestation 5.5 Measures of Forest Conservation 5.6 National Parks and Sanctuaries
  6. Soil of Maharashtra : 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Soil Formation and Uses of Soils 6.3 Soil Components 6.4 Characteristics of Soil 6.5 Types of Soils 6.6 Spatial Distribution of Soil 6.7 Soil Erosion and Conservation Measures
  7. Agriculture in Maharashtra : 7.1 General Land Use of Maharashtra 7.2 Role of Agriculture in the Economy of Maharashtra 7.3 Characteristics of Agriculture in Maharashtra 7.4 Types of Agriculture 7.5 Agriculture : Allied Activities 7.6 New Trends in Agriculture 7.7 Agro-Climatic Zones in Maharashtra 7.8 Role of Agriculture colleges, universities and Agriculture department in the development of Agriculture. 7.9 Agriculture Problems and Prospects 7.10 Irrigation and Irrigation Project
  8. Crops in Maharashtra : 8.1 Food Crops 8.2 Cash Crops : 8.2.1 Cotton, 8.2.2 Sugarcane, 8.2.3 Banana 8.3 Oil Seeds 8.4 Major Crops Producer District in Maharashtra
  9. Minerals and Energy Resources of Maharashtra : 9.1 Major Minerals and their Production and Distribution 9.2 Energy Resources and their Production and Distribution : History of Energy Resources, Power Project in Maharashtra, Coal, Thermal Power Projects, Hydel Power Projects, Wind Energy, Atomic Power Project, Solar Energy
  10. Industries of Maharashtra : 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Industrial Development of Maharashtra 10.3 Afecting factors on location of Industries 10.4 Types of Industries : Cotton Textile Industry, Sugar Industry, Chemical Industries, Engineering Industries, Electronics and Information Technologies Industries, Biotech Industries, Distilleries, Cement Industries in Maharashtra, Other Industries in Maharashtra, Industrial Regions in Maharashtra
  11. Trade and Special Economic Zone of Maharashtra : 11.1 Trade of Maharashtra 11.2 Types of Trade 11.3 History of Sez 11.4 Benefits and Importance of Sez 11.5 Advantages of Sez 11.6 Disadvantages of Sez
  12. Transportation of Maharashtra : 12.1 Transportation of Maharashtra 12.2 Types of Roads 12.3 Special Types of Road 12.4 Railway Transports 12.5 Air Transports 12.6 Water Transports
  13. Population Resources of Maharashtra : 13.1 Population Growth in Maharashtra 13.2 Population density and its regions 13.3 Factors affecting spatial distribution of population in Maharashtra 13.4 Socio-economic & demographic features in Maharashtra 13.5 Growth of Urban Population in Maharashtra 13.6 Problems of Population in Maharashtra
  14. Tourism in Maharashtra : 14.1 Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation 14.2 Classification of Tourism Centers in Maharashtra 14.3 Historical and Archaeological 14.4 Hill Stations 14.5 Sea Beaches 14.6 Religious Places
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