Geography of Maharashtra
Prof Sambhaji Patil
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 264
Edition: First
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- Geographical Personality of Maharashtra : 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Historical Background 1.3 Cultural Heritage 1.4 History of State Formation 1.5 Geographical Information: Location, Extent, Size, Shape, Area, Boundaries 1.6 Administrative Divisions 1.7 Regional Divisions 1.8 Place and Role of Maharashtra in India
- Physical Structure of Maharashtra : 2.1 Konkan Region 2.2 Sahyadri Mountain Range 2.3 Maharashtra Plateau 2.4 Satpura Mountain Range 2.5 Geological Set-up
- Drainage system of Maharashtra : 3.1 Rivers in Konkan 3.2 Rivers and Their Basins in Plateau Region : 3.2.1. Tapi-Purna Valley, 3.2.2. Godavary Valley, 3.2.3. Krishna Basin, 3.2.4. Pranhita River 3.3. Lakes and Ponds
- Climate of Maharashtra : 4.1 Characteristics of Climate 4.2 Factors affecting on Climate 4.3 Seasons 4.4 Distribution of Rainfall and its Characteristics
- Natural Vegetation of Maharashtra : 5.1 Types of Forest 5.2 Spatial Distribution of Forest 5.3 Importance of Forest 5.4 Causes of Deforestation 5.5 Measures of Forest Conservation 5.6 National Parks and Sanctuaries
- Soil of Maharashtra : 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Soil Formation and Uses of Soils 6.3 Soil Components 6.4 Characteristics of Soil 6.5 Types of Soils 6.6 Spatial Distribution of Soil 6.7 Soil Erosion and Conservation Measures
- Agriculture in Maharashtra : 7.1 General Land Use of Maharashtra 7.2 Role of Agriculture in the Economy of Maharashtra 7.3 Characteristics of Agriculture in Maharashtra 7.4 Types of Agriculture 7.5 Agriculture : Allied Activities 7.6 New Trends in Agriculture 7.7 Agro-Climatic Zones in Maharashtra 7.8 Role of Agriculture colleges, universities and Agriculture department in the development of Agriculture. 7.9 Agriculture Problems and Prospects 7.10 Irrigation and Irrigation Project
- Crops in Maharashtra : 8.1 Food Crops 8.2 Cash Crops : 8.2.1 Cotton, 8.2.2 Sugarcane, 8.2.3 Banana 8.3 Oil Seeds 8.4 Major Crops Producer District in Maharashtra
- Minerals and Energy Resources of Maharashtra : 9.1 Major Minerals and their Production and Distribution 9.2 Energy Resources and their Production and Distribution : History of Energy Resources, Power Project in Maharashtra, Coal, Thermal Power Projects, Hydel Power Projects, Wind Energy, Atomic Power Project, Solar Energy
- Industries of Maharashtra : 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Industrial Development of Maharashtra 10.3 Afecting factors on location of Industries 10.4 Types of Industries : Cotton Textile Industry, Sugar Industry, Chemical Industries, Engineering Industries, Electronics and Information Technologies Industries, Biotech Industries, Distilleries, Cement Industries in Maharashtra, Other Industries in Maharashtra, Industrial Regions in Maharashtra
- Trade and Special Economic Zone of Maharashtra : 11.1 Trade of Maharashtra 11.2 Types of Trade 11.3 History of Sez 11.4 Benefits and Importance of Sez 11.5 Advantages of Sez 11.6 Disadvantages of Sez
- Transportation of Maharashtra : 12.1 Transportation of Maharashtra 12.2 Types of Roads 12.3 Special Types of Road 12.4 Railway Transports 12.5 Air Transports 12.6 Water Transports
- Population Resources of Maharashtra : 13.1 Population Growth in Maharashtra 13.2 Population density and its regions 13.3 Factors affecting spatial distribution of population in Maharashtra 13.4 Socio-economic & demographic features in Maharashtra 13.5 Growth of Urban Population in Maharashtra 13.6 Problems of Population in Maharashtra
- Tourism in Maharashtra : 14.1 Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation 14.2 Classification of Tourism Centers in Maharashtra 14.3 Historical and Archaeological 14.4 Hill Stations 14.5 Sea Beaches 14.6 Religious Places
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