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GG-303-403 | Practical Geography

S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III-IV | Geography



SKU: 9789389492996
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 136
Edition: Student



S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-303-403
Practical Geography

The study of Practical Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Practical Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B.Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Practical Geography. This book contains the information regarding Interpretation of Topographical, Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis, Surveying and Area Measurement by GPS etc.

Unit 1 Topographical Maps
1. Introduction to topographical maps 2. Indexing of toposheet 3. Grid reference (Four and Six figures) 4. Methods of representation of relief featurs – a) Qualitative method – Hachures, Hill Shading, Layer tinting, b) Quantitative methods – Spot height, Bench mark, Triangulation, Contour, Form line. 5. Representation of relief features by contours a) Slope b) Relief features 6. Conventional signs and symbols of toposheet. 7. Profiles – a) Cross profile b) Longitudinal profile 8. Interpretation of toposheet. (At least 3 Plain, Plateau, Mountain, Desert & Coastal)

Unit 2 Weather Maps and Weather Data Analysis
1. Introduction to weather maps 2. Signs and symbols. 3. Isobaric patterns. 4. Interpretation of weather maps (Summer, Winter, Rainy) 5. Weather Data Analysis with the help of a) Temperature Data b) Rainfall Data c) Wind Direction and Wind Speed 6. Structure, Function and Use of following weather instruments – a) Maximum and Minimum Thermometer b) Aneriod Barometer c) Rainguage d) Barograph e) Thermograph

Unit 3 Weather Instruments
(1) Maximum and Minimum Thermometer (2) Ordinary thermometer (3) Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer (4) Dry and wet bulb thermometer or Hygrometer (5) Stevenson Screen (6) Mercury Barometer (7) Fortin’s Barometer (8) Aneroid Barometer (9) Barograph (10) Thermograph (11) Wind Vane (12) Anemometer (13) Rain Gauge (14) Evaporation Pan or Evaporimeter (15) Atmometer (16) Lysimeter (17) Abney Level (18) Clinometer (19) Brunton Compass (20) Rotameter (21) Planimeter

Unit 4 & 5 Surveying and Plane Table Survey
Unit 4 – A) Meaning and Definition of Surveying B) Need of Surveying in Geography C) Types of Surveying 1) Plane Surveying 2) Geodetic Surveying D) Methods of Surveying 1) Trigonometric Survey 2) Traverse Survey: Open and Close Traverse
Unit 5 – A) Introduction B) Instruments Used in Plane Table Survey C) Procedure in Plane Table Survey D) Methods of Plane Table Survey 1) Radiation Method 2) Intersection Method F) Conversion of Area in Different Units – (Hectare and Acre to Sq. Feet and Sq. Meters)

Unit 6 GPS Survey
A) Introduction and Components of GPS B) Applications of GPS C) Procedure of GPS Survey D) Survey Using GPS – 1) Survey of Given Area 2) Preparation of Layout 3) Measurement of Surveyed Area

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