GG-402 | Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | Geography
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem IV | GG-402
Socio-Economic Geography of Maharashtra
The study of Geography has got unprecedential importance in recent times. Though the technical and applied branches like Geographical Information System, Remote Sensing, Areal Photography, Global Positioning System etc. are in much discussion today, the study of Regional Geography is equally important for obtaining regional information. This book is specially prepared for the students of Second Year B. Sc. Class (C.B.C.S.) of Kaviyatri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This book will prove to be useful for the studies of syllabi prescribed in other universities as well as preparations for the new syllabi prescribed for examinations conducted by Union Government and the State Government. Keeping these points in view, present book has been prepared to extend information regarding Socio-economic Geography of Maharashtra. This book contains the information regarding Population, Agriculture, Minerals and Energy Resources, Industries, Trade and Transportation etc.
Unit 1 Population in Maharashtra
1.1 Introduction and Population Growth in Maharashtra
1.2 Population distribution in Maharashtra
a) High population density regions
b) Medium population density regions
c) Low population density regions
1.3 Factors affecting on distribution of population in Maharashtra.
a) Physical b) Economic c) Social Factors
1.4 Demographic features in Maharashtra (Sex Ratio)
Unit 2 Agriculture of Maharashtra
2.1 Introduction to Agriculture of Maharashtra.
2.2 Role of agriculture in the Economy of Maharashtra
2.3 Agro – climatic zones in Maharashtra
2.4 Types of agriculture in Maharashtra : (Plantation Agriculture, Dairy farming, Horticulture, Subsistence Farming, Organic Farming)
2.5 Recent trends in agriculture – Introduction to Polyhouse and Shade net house
2.6 Problems of agriculture and its remedial measures.
Unit 3 Minerals, Energy and Industries
3.1 Major minerals and their production and distribution
a) Iron ore, b) Bauxite
3.2 Energy resources: production and distribution
a) Nuclear Power Station, b) Thermal power projects, c) Hydel power projects
3.3 Industries : a) Cotton Textile Industries :
i. Factors governing the location of cotton textile industries.
ii. Distribution and problems faced by cotton textile industries.
b) The sugar industries – Distribution and problems of sugar industries.
Unit 4 Trade and Transport
4.1 Trade of Maharashtra.
4.2 Types of Trade :
A) Trade : i) Introduction and types of trades – a) International,
b) National, ii) Factors affecting on trade in Maharashtra
4.3 Transportation in Maharashtra
B) Transportation : i) Meaning and different modes of transportation in Maharashtra. ii) Classification of roads – a) National highways, b) State highways, iii) Railways – a) General information about length, distribution and types of gauges., b) Main railway lines passing through Maharashtra.
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