International Business Environment
We must embrace adaptations in accordance with the demands of the present era. Hence, any alteration in a subject’s curriculum is a natural progression of development. Knowledge evolves when subjects are taught and learned in new diverse ways over time. Given the adoption of a new syllabus by Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University for second-year Master of Commerce students in line with the New Education Policy 2020, it becomes our responsibility to provide them with updated learning materials.
We take immense pleasure in introducing the textbook “International Business Environment” tailored for S.Y. M.Com students. This book, structured in a self-learning format, adheres strictly to a student-friendly approach. It encompasses exam questions from NMU and other universities, facilitating comprehensive exam preparation.
1. Theories of International Business
1.1 Classical or country-based theories Mercantilism, Absolute advantage, Comparative advantage.
1.2 Heckscher-Ohlin theory (Factor Proportions theory).
1.3 Modern or firm-based theory.
1.4 Country similarity theory.
1.5 Product life cycle theory.
1.6 Global strategic rivalry theory.
1.7 Porter’s national competitive advantage theory.
2. Foreign Trade Policy and Procedure
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Institutional Framework for Export Promotion.
2.3 Exports Incentives and Policies.
2.4 EPZ/FTZ/100% EOUs.
2.5 Quality Control for Exports.
2.6 Exports prospects for select products and services.
2.7 INCO Terms.
3. Subsidies and Countervailing Duties
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 WTO Provisions.
3.3 Administration of WTO.
3.4 Procedure and Emerging Trends.
3.5 Regulatory Framework and Countervailing duties in India.
3.6 Doha Development Round.
4. Anti-Dumping Duties
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 WTO Provision on Anti- Dumping.
4.3 Anti- Dumping Duties, Procedure and Developments.
4.4 Regulatory Framework for Anti-Dumping in India.
4.5 Recent anti-dumping cases in India.
5. Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures 126
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Kinds of Foreign Collaborations and Joint Ventures.
5.3 Drafting of Agreement.
5.4 International Commercial Arbitration.
6. International Capital Movement and Foreign Capital
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Capital Movement : Meaning, Classification, Factor Governing International Capital Movement.
6.3 Need of Foreign Capital for LDC’s.
6.4 Sources and Types of Foreign Capital.
6.5 FDI & FII : Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Merits and Demerits of FDI.
6.6 FDI in India since 1991 : Inflow and Outflow, Factors affecting FDI in India.
6.7 Multinational Corporations, Definitions, Features, Spread, Reasons for the Growth of MNC’s, Role of Multinational Corporations in Developing Countries, Drawbacks of MNC’s.