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International Economics



SKU: 9789391391454
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2021
Pages: 214
Edition: First


  1. Introduction : 1.1 International Economics- Meaning, Scope and Importance, 1.2 Inter-regional and International Trade, 1.3 Importance of International Trade.
  2. Theories of International Trade : 2.1 Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage and Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage, 2.2 Heckscher – Ohlin Theory, 2.3 Leontief’s Paradox, 2.4 Intra – Industry Trade.
  3. Terms of Trade : 3.1 Meaning, Types and Importance of Terms of Trade, 3.2 Determinants of Terms of Trade, 3.3 Causes of Unfavorable Terms of trade to Developing Countries.
  4. Balances of Payments : 4.1 Balance of Trade and Balance of payments- Concepts, 4.2 Balance of Payments – Components, 4.3 Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments, Causes and Consequences, 4.4 Measures to correct Disequilibrium in the Balance of Payments.
  5. India’s Foreign Trade and Policy : 5.1 Role of Foreign Trade in Economic Development, 5.2 India’s Foreign Trade- Growth, Composition and Direction since 2000, 5.3 Free Trade v/s Protection – Case For and Case Against, 5.4 Highlights of India’s Foreign Trade policy Since 2015, 5.5 Evaluation of Policy of Special Economic Zones in Export Promotion.
  6. Foreign Capital : 6.1 Role of Foreign Capital in Economic Development, 6.2 Types of Foreign Investment, 6.3 Foreign Investment Policy in India since 1991, 6.4 Problems of Foreign Capital.
  7. Foreign Exchange : 7.1 Exchange Rate : Concept; Fixed & Flexible Exchange Rate – Merits and Demerits, 7.2 Foreign Exchange Market – Meaning, Structure and Functions, 7.3 Convertibility of the Rupee, 7.4 Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, Main Provisions.
  8. Regional and International Co – Operation : Nature And Functions of :  8.1 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), 8.2 Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), 8.3 European Economic Community (EEC), 8.4 World Trade Organization (WTO).
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