Management Accounting
CA Y A Saindane, Dr Arun Yeole, Ms S P Palve
Book Language: English
Edition: First
Account / Audit / Income Tax, वाणिज्य व व्यवस्थापन
- Introduction to Management Accounting (Only Theory) : 1.1 Meaning, Scope, Role & Significance of Management Accounting 1.2 Advantages and Limitations of Management Accounting 1.3 Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting & their inter- relationship 1.4 Tools & Techniques of Management Accounting 1.5 Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Advantages & Limitations of Management Audit.
- Analysis & Interpretation of financial Statements (Only Theory) : 2.1 Introduction, Significance, Advantages & limitations of financial statements 2.2 Tools & Techniques of financial analysis 2.3 Meaning & nature of Comparative financial statements, common-size financial statements & Trend analysis 2.4 Introduction, Advantages & Limitations of Inter-firm comparison.
- Ratio analysis (Theory & Practical Problems) : 3.1 Nature, Interpretation & Classification of Ratios 3.2 Role, Advantages and Limitations of Ratio Analysis 3.3 Computation & analysis of Liquidity Ratio, Activity Ratio, Profitability and Solvency Ratios 3.4 Preparation of financial statements given on the Ratios.
- Budget and Budgetary Control (Theory & Practical Problems) : 4.1 Concept & Scope of Budget and Budgetary Control 4.2 Objectives, Advantages, Limitations and Preliminaries of Budgetary Control 4.3 Types of budget-Financial and Capital Budget- Master Budget 4.4 Preparation of Flexible Budget, Cash Budget, Sales Budget
- Standard Costing and Variances Analysis (Theory & Practical Problems) : 5.1 Concept of Standard Cost & Setting of Standard Cost 5.2 Difference between Standard Costing and budgetary Control 5.3 Significance, Advantages and Limitations of Standard Costing 5.4 Classification and Computation of Material & Labour variances including Mixed & Yield Variance and Idle Time Variance 5.5 Fixed and Variable Overhed Variances.
- Marginal Costing (Theory & Practical Problems) : 6.1 Concept of Marginal Cost and Marginal Costing 6.2 Significance & Applications of Marginal Costing 6.3 Calculate Contribution, Profit Volume Ratio and Break-even Point & Margine of Safely 6.4 Decision Making – Make or buy & Key Factor
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