Management Accounting - I
M.Com. II | Sem III | Paper 304
1. Introduction to Management Accounting :
a) Meaning, Nature and Scope of Management Accounting.
b) Tools and techniques of Management Accounting
c) Merits and Demerits of Management Accounting
d) Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting and their inter-relationship
e) Role / Functions of Management Accountant
2. Analysis and interpretation of financial statements (Conceptual framework) :
a) Introduction to the Tools and techniques of financial analysis – Comparative financial Statement, Common-size Statements and Statements showing trend-analysis
b) Preparation of Comparative Financial Statements
c) Preparation of Common-size Financial Statements,
d) Preparation of Statements showing Trend
e) Inter-firm comparison – requirements, advantages and limitation.
3. Elements of Cost I – Material and Labour :
a) Ratio – Nature, interpretation, classification of ratios. (Detailed study using the techniques of Ratio analysis)
b) Advantages, role and limitations of Ratio analysis, Du-Pont Analysis
c) Computation of Ratios for study of Liquidity, Profitability, Activity / Turnover, Solvency of a Company
d) Solving practical problems on preparation of Financial Statements of an organization, from the given ratios and available information after finding out the missing figures.
4. Management of Working Capital :
a) Concept and definition of working capital; Types of working capital;
b) Significance of working capital; Factors determining working capital requirement; Sources of working capital
c) Components of working capital; Assessment of working capital needs – Calculating operating cycle period and estimation of working capital requirements
d) Financing of working capital and Maximum permissible bank finance as per the norms of bank finance – Tandon Committee recommendations.
5. Fund Flow Analysis :
a) Detailed study using the techniques of Fund Flow analysis
b) Concept and Meaning of Fund Flow Statement (FFS) or Statement of sources and application of funds
c) Significance, uses and limitations of Fund Flow Statement
d) Preparation of Fund Flow Statement – procedure for preparing FFS
e) Solving Practical Problems of Fund Flow Analysis
6. Cash Flow Analysis :
a) Detailed study using the techniques of Cash Flow analysis
b) Concept and Meaning of Cash Flow Statement (CFS)
c) Significance and uses of Cash Flow Statement; Limitations of Cash Flow Statement
d) Difference between Cash Flow Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis
e) Preparation of Cash Flow Statement – procedure for preparing CFS as per the requirements of the Accounting Standard “AS-3 (Revised) – Cash Flow Statement” issued by the ICAI
f) Solving Practical Problems using Direct method and Indirect Method
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