Prashant Publications

Marketing and Advertising

(Semester I-II)



SKU: 9789394403635
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2022
Pages: 232
Edition: First


  1. Introduction to Marketing : 1.1 Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Scope of Marketing, 1.2 Importance of Marketing as Business Function, 1.3 Marketing Process, 1.4 Functions of Marketing, 1.5 Marketing Ethics, 1.6 Rural and Green Marketing : Meaning, Definitions and Features.
  2. Market Segmentation and Buyer Behaviour : 2.1 Market Segmentation, 2.1.1 Meaning, Concepts and Importance of Segmentation, 2.1.2 Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets, 2.1.3 Benefits & Limitations of Market Segmentation, 2.2 Buyer Behavior, 2.2.1 Meaning of Buyer Behaviour, 2.2.2 Models of Consumer/Buyer Behaviour, 2.2.3 Determinants of Consumer Behaviour, 2.2.4 The Buying Decision Process : The Five-Stage Model, 2.2.5 Marketing Implications of Consumer Behaviour.
  3. The Marketing Mix : 3.1 Introduction, 3.2 Marketing Mix – The Traditional 4Ps,, 3.3 The Modern Components of the Mix- The Additional 3Ps,, 3.4 Developing an Effective Marketing Mix.
  4. Product Life-Cycle and Marketing Strategies : 4.1 Product Life Cycle Style, 4.2 Marketing Strategies : Introduction Stage and the Pioneer Advantage, 4.3 Marketing Strategies : Growth Stage, 4.4 Marketing Strategies : Maturity Stage, 4.5 Marketing Strategies : Decline Stage.
  5. Network Marketing : 5.1 Meaning, Definitions and Features of Network Marketing, 5.2 Process of Network Marketing, 5.3 Advantages of Network Marketing, 5.4 Disadvantages of Network Marketing, 5.5 Problems in Network Marketing, 5.6 Ethics in Network Marketing.
  6. Recent Trends in Marketing : 6.1 Cloud Marketing, 6.2 Drip Marketing, 6.3 Email Marketing, 6.4 Freebie Marketing, 6.5 Mobile Marketing, 6.6 Newsletter Marketing, 6.7 Online Marketing, 6.8 Social Media Marketing.
  7. Service Marketing : 7.1 Meaning, Definitions and Features of Services, 7.2 Classification of Services, 7.3 New Generation Services, 7.4 Importance of Service Marketing, 7.5 Problems in Service Marketing.
  8. Introduction to Advertising : Meaning, Definitions, Nature and Scope of Advertising, 8.2 Importance of Advertising in Modern Marketing era, 8.3 Role of Advertising in Marketing Mix, 8.4 Types of Advertising, 8.5 Economic and Social Effect of Advertising.
  9. Advertising Media : 9.1 Types of Advertising Media, 9.1.1 Print Media, 9.1.2 Electronic Media, 9.1.3 Outdoor Media, 9.1.4 Transit and Vehicular Media, 9.2 Merits and Limitations of Various Types of Advertising Media, 9.3 Factors to be considered in Selecting Proper Media of Advertising, 9.4 Media Mix and Media Scheduling, 9.5 Media Planning.
  10. Creativity in Advertising : 10.1 Advertising Copy, 10.1.1 Meaning and Elements of Print Copy, 10.1.2 Essentials of a Good Advertising Copy, 10.1.3 Types of Copy Writing, 10.2 Advertising Layouts, 10.2.1 Meaning, Components and Types of Advertising Layout, 10.2.2 Factors Influencing Advertisement Lay-Out, 10.2.3 Essentials of Advertisement Lay-Out.
  11. Advertising Budget : 11.1 Meaning, Definitions and Importance of Advertising Budget, 11.2 Process of Preparing Advertising Budget, 11.3 Methods of Framing Advertising Budget, 11.4 Approaches to Advertising Budget, 11.5 Advantages and Limitations of Advertising Budget.
  12. Advertising Agency : 12.1 Meaning and Services Rendered by Advertising Agency, 12.2 Evaluation and History of Advertising Agency, 12.3 Agency Selection Criterion, 12.4 Agency Client Relationship, 12.5 Career Options in Advertising, 12.6 Future of Advertising Agency Institution.
  13. Regulation and Control on Advertising : 13.1 Advertising Standard Council of India, 13.2 Doordarshan Code, 13.3 Ministry of Information & Broad Casting, 13.4 Advertising Ethics.
Prashant Publications
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