Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life experience that enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly encountered in daily life. They include creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, the ability to communicate and collaborate, along with personal and social responsibility that contribute to good citizenship – all essential skills for success in the 21st century, both for healthy societies and for successful and employable individuals.
– British Council
- Life Skills : An Introduction : 1.0 Meaning of Life Skills, 1.1 Defining Life Skills, 1.2 Importance of life Skills in life, 1.3 Nature of Life Skills, 1.4 Types of Life Skills.
- Problem Solving and Decision Making : 2.1 Problem Solving, 2.1.1 Introduction, 2.1.2 Nature of Problem Solving, 2.1.3 Types of Problems, 2.1.4 Models of Problem Solving, 2.2 Decision Making, 2.2.1 Introduction, 2.2.2 Nature and Characteristics of Decision Making, 2.2.3 Elements involved in Decision Making, 2.2.4 Decision Making Process, 2.2.5 Approaches to Decision Making.
- Lateral Thinking : 3.0 Introduction, 3.1 Creative Thinking, 3.1.1 Introduction, 3.1.2 Definitions of Creative Thinking / Creativity, 3.1.3 Characteristics of Creative Thinking, 3.1.4 Types of Creativity, 3.1.5 The Creative Process, 3.1.6 Some approaches involved in creative thinking skills, 3.2 Critical Thinking, 3.2.1 Introduction, 3.2.2 Nature of Critical Thinking, 3.2.3 Definitions and Characteristics of Critical Thinking, 3.2.4 Critical thinking strategy.
- Interpersonal Skills : 4.1 Understanding Interpersonal Skills, 4.1.1 Introduction, 4.1.2 Importance of Interpersonal Skills, 4.1.3 Definitions of Interpersonal Skills, 4.1.4 Nature and Characteristics of Interpersonal Skills, 4.1.5 Developing Interpersonal Skills, 4.2 Teamwork, 4.2.1 Introduction, 4.2.2 The features of an ideal team / teamwork are given below, 4.2.3 Advantages of team work, 4.3 Understanding, Collaboration and Cooperating with others, 4.3.1 Introduction : Understanding and Cooperating, 4.3.2 Understanding Collaboration and Cooperation, 4.4 Effective Interpersonal Communication Skill, 4.4.1 Introduction, 4.4.2 Meaning and nature of interpersonal communication, 4.4.3 Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication, 4.4.4 Elements of Interpersonal Communication.
- Stress and Emotions Management : 5.1 Stress Management, 5.1.1 Introduction, 5.1.2 Definitions of Stress, 5.1.3 Meaning, Nature and Elements of Stress, 5.1.4 Types of Stress, 5.1.5 Stressosors and stress factors, 5.1.6 Sources of Stress, 5.1.7 Ways to manage the stress, 5.2 Emotions Management, 5.2.1 Introduction, 5.2.2 Nature and meaning of Emotions, 5.2.3 Managing Emotions.
- Human Values : Meaning and Nature : 6.1 Introduction, 6.2 Meaning of Values, 6.3 Definitions of Values, 6.4 Nature of Values, 6.5 Importance of Values, 6.6 Principle Human Values, 6.7 Types of Values.
- Moral and Ethical Values : 7.1 Introduction, 7.2 Moral Values, 7.2.1 Meaning and Definition of Moral Values, 7.2.2 Nature of Moral Values, 7.2.3 Types of Moral Values, 7.3 Ethical Values, 7.3.1 Meaning and Definition of Ethical Values, 7.3.2 Nature of Ethics, 7.3.3 The importance of ethics, 7.3.4 Branches of Ethics.
- Professional, Aesthetic and Psychological Values : 8.1 Professional Values, 8.1.1 Introduction, 8.1.2 Meaning and Nature of Professional Ethics, 8.1.3 Characteristics of Professional Ethics, 8.1.4 Major Professional Ethics, 8.2 Aesthetic Values, 8.3 Psychological Values.
- Self-Awareness and Self-Management : 9.1 Introduction, 9.2 Self-Awareness, 9.2.1 Meaning and Nature of Self- Awareness, 9.3 Self-Management, 9.3.1 Meaning and Nature of Self-Management, 9.3.2 Fundamentals of Self-Management.
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