Modern Office Management
F.Y.B.Com. (Sem. I & II)
In Simpler terms we can say office is place where business is carried on. In common Parlance, an office is understood to be a place where clerical work is performed and where all kinds of paper work i.e. letters, correspondence, files, records etc. and dealt with. It is a central place where all sorts of clerical work is done to co-ordinate and control the affairs of the whole organization.
Each office has a personality of its own. This personality is a reflection of the purpose for which an office exists. The manufacturing office will have a profile that differs from that of a sales office. The accounting office will have a different orientation from that of a research and development office.” In organizing a new office the office manager must first determine the prime reason existence of that office and then add the necessary ingredients to bring about an efficient operation entity that achieves pre- determined results.
Really speaking we prefer and refer the standard books and collected new and latest references and information from innumerable good books, journals bulletins reports and articles.
This book is also useful to the teachers who would otherwise have to prepare their lecturers from various sources particularly an attempt has been made to use simple and easily understandable Language.
- Modern Office : 1.1 Office: Meaning, Definition and Features, 1.2 Traditional and Modern Concept of Office, 1.3 Characteristics of Modern Office, 1.4 Functions of Modern Office, 1.5 Changing Office View: Past, Present & Future
- Office Management : 2.1 Meaning and Definition, 2.2 Nature of Office Management, 2.3 Elements of Office Management, 2.4 Office Manager, 2.5 Functions of Office manager, 2.6 Duties of Office Manager, 2.7 Responsibilities of Office Manager, 2.8 Effective Management Techniques
- Office Layout : 3.1 Meaning, Definition, 3.2 Importance of Office Layout, 3.3 Selection of Office Layout, 3.4 Objectives of Office Layout, 3.5 Principles of Office Layout, 3.6 Component of Office Layout, 3.7 Advantages of Office Layout
- Office System and Procedure : 4.1 Meaning and Definition of Office System, 4.2 Objective of Office System, 4.3 Procedure of Office System, 4.4 Flow of Work, 4.5 Objective of Flow of Work, 4.6 Difficulties in ideal work flow, 4.7 Measures to improve the flow of Work, 4.8 Planning of Office Work, 4.9 Scheduling of Office Work
- Office Environment : 5.1 Meaning and Definition, 5.2 Nature of office environment, 5.3 Factors of good office environment, 5.4 Importance of office environment, 5.5 Office safety and Remedies
- Office Record Management : 6.1 Meaning and Definition, 6.2 Need of Office Record, 6.3 Objective of Office Record, 6.4 Organization of Record department, 6.5 Classification & Indexing of Records & Files, 6.6 Principles of Record Management, 6.7 Principles of Retention & Disposition of Record, 6.8 Process of Records Management, 6.9 Paperless Office – Concept, Utility & Feasibility.
- Office Organization : 7.1 Office Manager, 7.2 Role of Office Manager, 7.3 Basics Functions, 7.4 Duties of an Office Manager in Organisation, 7.5 Responsibilities of Manager, 7.6 Status of Office Manager, 7.7 Types of Office Employees, 7.8 Qualities of Office Employees, 7.9 Recruitment of Office Employees, 7.10 Training of Employees, 7.11 Reparation of Confidential Report, 7.12 Public Relation Function in office
- Office Services : 8.1 Office Services Meaning, 8.2 Types of Office Services, 8.3 Advantages of Office Services, 8.4 Meaning of Office Forms, 8.5 Types of Office Forms, 8.6 Objectives of Office Forms, 8.7 Advantages of Office Forms, 8.8 Modern Mail Services, 8.9 E-mail (electronic mail)
- Office Stationery and Supplies : 9.1 Need & Importance of Stationery, 9.2 Essentials Office Stationery Items, 9.3 Essentials of good system of Regulating Stationery Purchase, 9.4 Standardization – Issue of Stationery, 9.5 Regulating Stationery Consumption
- Office Automation : 10.1 Meaning of Office Automation, 10.2 Need and Importance, 10.3 Scope of Office Automation, 10.4 Types of Office Equipment, 10.5 Computerization In Office – LAN, WAN, Video Conferencing, 10.6 Maintenance of Records
- Secretarial Procedure : 11.1 Role of Secretary, 11.2 Duties of Secretary, 11.3 Qualities of Secretary, 11.4 Qualification of Secretary, 11.5 Types of Correspondence, 11.6 Principles of effective correspondence.
- Office Meeting : 12.1 Meaning and Definition, 12.2 Importance of Office Meeting, 12.3 Purposes of Meetings, 12.4 Types of Meetings, 12.5 Essentials of Valid meeting, 12.6 Drafting Meeting notices, 12.7 Meeting Agenda, 12.8 Minutes of Meeting, 12.9 Factors of Successful meeting
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