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Organic Chemistry for Undergraduates

(Volume II)



SKU: 9788197627316
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2024
Pages: 388
Edition: First



I am pleased to present the book on Organic Chemistry for Undergraduates: Volume II in the hands of students learning organic chemistry at undergraduate level and the teachers of organic chemistry. The book is written by keeping in mind curriculum of organic chemistry prescribed by UGC taught at different levels through different papers.
Organic chemistry is the core part of curriculum of chemistry. Therefore, there is need of understanding it from very basics. The book focuses on understanding the principles involved, structures of organic compounds, organic reactions and their mechanism. The book aims to explain different organic reactions with their mechanism. The book also focuses on different types of spectroscopy techniques. The content of this book attempts to clarify the fundamentals of the subject without going through exhaustive details.
The book has fourteen chapters including five chapter on different types of organic rection mechanisms followed by five chapters on different spectroscopic techniques like UV, IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy. Next chapter includes combined problems based on different spectroscopic techniques. The important topics like rearrangement reactions, designing organic synthesis and study of natural products are also included in the second volume of the book.
To develop interest of learners, solved problems are given wherever necessary. At the end of each chapter, multiple choice questions, short answer questions and long answer questions are also given.
Considering the depth of students, book is written in very simple language and unnecessary explanation is avoided. It will definitely generate interest of the learner in understanding of the subject. I hope this book will be useful for the undergraduate students of chemistry.

1. Nucleophilic Substitution at Saturated Carbon 
SN1, SN2 and SNi reactions.
Mechanism and stereochemistry, regioselectivity and stereospecificity of substitution reaction. Scope at saturated carbon, allylic carbon and vinylic carbon. Factors affecting rate of SN1, SN2 and SNi reactions (Effect of nature of substrate, nucleophile, leaving group and solvent). Neighboring group participation (norbornyl & norbornenyl systems), non-classical carbocations.

2. Electrophilic Addition to C=C 
Introduction, Mechanism of electrophilic addition to C=C bond (AdE2 Mechanism), addition of hydrogen halides, orientation of addition: Markownikoff’s and Anti Markownikoff’s addition (peroxide effect), stereochemistry, addition of halogens: experimental evidences for two step mechanism, mechanism of addition of bromine, factors affecting antistereoselectivity, effect of substituents on rate of addition, addition of hypohalous acids (HOX), Hydroxylation (Mechanism of formation of cis and trans 1,2-diols), Hydroboration- Oxidation (Formation of alcohol), Hydrogenation (Formation of alkane), Ozonolysis (formation of aldehydes & ketones).

3. Nucleophilic Addition to C=O 
Introduction, Structure of carbonyl group, reactivity of carbonyl group, Addition of Hydrogen cyanide, alcohols, thiols, water, ammonia derivatives. Aldol and Cannizzaro Reaction, Perkin reaction, Wittig reaction, Reformatsky reactions, Reduction reactions using NaBH4, LiAlH4 with mechanism.

4. Aromatic Substitution Reactions 
Electrophilic substitution
Introduction, arenium ion mechanism, Effect of substituent group (orientation, ortho/para directing and meta directing groups). Classification of substituent groups (activating and deactivating groups) Mechanism of: Nitration, Sulphonation, Halogenation, Friedel-Crafts reactions (alkylation and acylation), Diazo coupling reactions, Ipso-substitution.
Nucleophilic substitution
Addition- elimination (SNAr) mechanism, Elimination-addition (Benzyne) mechanism with evidences, Chichibabin reaction.

5. Elimination Reactions 
Introduction, reaction mechanisms: E1, E2, E1CB with evidences and factors affecting the reaction. E1 versus E2 and Elimination versus substitution. Anti and Syn elimination, Stereo-electronic factors. Bredt’s rule. Dehydrohalogenation, Dehalogenation, Dehydration, Hoffmann and Saytzeff elimination, Pyrolytic elimination.

6. Introduction to Spectroscopy 
Introduction, meaning of spectroscopy, nature of electromagnetic radiation, wave length, frequency, energy, amplitude, wave number, and their relationship, different units of measurement of wavelength and frequency, different regions of electromagnetic radiations. Interaction of radiation with matter. Excitation of molecules with different energy levels, such as rotational, vibrational and electronic level. Types of spectroscopies, advantages of spectroscopic methods.

7. Ultraviolet (UV) Spectroscopy 
Introduction, nature of UV spectrum, Beer’s law, absorption of UV radiation by organic molecule leading to different excitations.
Terms used in UV Spectroscopy: Chromophore, Auxochrome, Bathochromic shift, Hypsochromic shift, Hyperchromic and Hypochromic shift.
Effect of conjugation on position of UV band. Calculation of λmax by Woodward and Fisher rules: for dienes and enone system.
Applications of UV Spectroscopy: Determination of structure, determination of stereo chemistry (cis and trans), problems.

8. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy 
Introduction, Principle of IR Spectroscopy, fundamental modes of vibrations (3N-6, 3N-5), Types of vibrations (Stretching and bending), Regions of IR Spectrum: functional group region, finger print region and aromatic region.
Characteristic IR absorption of functional groups: Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohol, ethers, alkyl halides, carbonyl compounds (–CHO, C = O, –COOR, –COOH), amines and amides. Aromatic Compounds and their substitution patterns.
Factors affecting IR absorption: Inductive effect, resonance effect, hydrogen bonding.
Applications of IR Spectroscopy: determination of structure, chemical reaction and hydrogen bonding. Problems.

9. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy 
Introduction, Principles of NMR Spectroscopy, Magnetic and nonmagnetic nuclei, Precessional motion of nuclei without mathematical details, nuclear resonance, chemical shift, shielding, & deshielding effect. Measurement of chemical shift, delta and Tau-scales.
TMS as reference and its advantages, peak area, integration, spin-spin coupling, coupling constants, J-value (Only first order coupling be discussed), problems.

10. Mass Spectroscopy 
Basic theory, Nature of mass spectrum, Importance of molecular ion peak, isotopic peaks, base peak, nitrogen rule, rule of 13 for determination of empirical formula and molecular formula.

11. Combined Problems Based on UV, IR, NMR and Mass 
Determination of structure of simple organic compounds on the basis of spectral data such as λmax values, IR frequencies, chemical shift (δ values), coupling constant and peak values provided.

12. Rearrangement Reactions 
Introduction, classification,
Migration to carbon: Pinacol pinacolone rearrangement.
Migration to Nitrogen: Beckmann rearrangement.
Migration to Oxygen: Baeyer Villiger rearrangement.

13. Designing Organic Synthesis 
Introduction, Different terms used–Disconnection, Synthon, Synthetic equivalence, FGI, TM. One group disconnection, Disconnection of simple alcohols.

14. Natural Products 
Terpenoids: Introduction, occurrence, isolation, classification, isoprene rule, general methods for structure determination of terpenoids.
Citral: structure determination, Barbier-Bouvealt synthesis
Alkaloids: Introduction, occurrence, isolation, general properties, general methods of structure determination.
Atropine: structure determination, synthesis of tropine, synthesis of atropine (Fischer Speier esterification).

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