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Organisation and Management of Municipal Corporation



SKU: 9789388769631
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 177
Edition: First
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There are two common forms of local self-government – Urban Local Government and Rural Local Government. The rural local bodies are described as institutions of democratic decentralization or Panchayat Raj. While the urban, the urban areas are administered by different types of local bodies. As a local government is a state subject, these bodies are created by state legislation which lays down the conditions for constituting them. The six types of urban bodies presently in existence are – Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, Notified Area Committee, Town Area Committee, Cantonment Board and Improvement Trusts. These urban local bodies are established from time to time and as per need in a Union Territory by an Act of Parliament and in the territory of a state by an Act of State Legislature. Of these six forms of urban local bodies, municipalities are established in small cities and municipal corporations in big cities depending upon the need by the respective governments. The increasing urbanisation is posing many problems and challenges to the urban local authorities. The services provided by the municipal government, both qualitatively and quantitatively are inadequate and poor. This calls for radical reform of the urban government structure and its functioning. Only the efficient organisation and management of Municipal Corporation will meet the increasing expectations of urban people and bring marked improvement in the standard, range and quality of services provided in a particular city. As democracy advances the importance of public administration as a theme for study becomes more and more concern evoking public interest and involvement. Hence the need of administration of local government body has become more relevant in recent times

  1. Introduction : 1.1. Significance of Urbanisation 1.2. Historical Background of Urbanisation in India 1.3. Urban Development in Post-independence 1.4. Municipal Administration in India 1.5. Future Senario 1.6. Urbanisation in Maharashtra 1.7. Urbanisation in Ahmednagar District.
  2. Research Methodology : 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Selection of the Municipal Corporation 2.3. Objectives of the Study 2.4. Hypotheses 2.5. Research Methodology a. Primary Date b. Secondary Data 2.6. Analysis of Data 2.7. Scope and Limitation of the Study 2.8. Review of Literature 2.9. Outline of the Study.
  3. A Profile of the Ahmednagar City : 3.1. About the District 3.2. Ahmednagar city- A Profile – 1. Location 2. Population 3. Transportation 4. Infrastructure Facilities 5. Industrial Development.
  4. Organisation and Management of Corporation : 4.1. Introduction 4.2. State Control over Urban Local Bodies 4.3. Deliberative Wing 4.4. Organisation and Management of Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation – 4.4.1. Mayor 4.4.2. Standing Committee 4.4.3. Transport Committee 4.4.4. Wards Committees 4.4.5. Meetings 4.5. Executive Wing – 4.5.1. Commissioner 4.5.2. Municipal Officers and Employees- 1. General Administration 2. The Accounts and Audit 3. Education Section 4. Water Supply Department 5. Construction Department 6. Health Department 7. Solid Waste and Sewage Management Department 8. Fire Brigade Section 9. Town Planning Section 10. Recovery Section 11. Labour and Welfare Section.
  5. Financial Management : 5.1. Review of Municipal Finance 5.2. Financial Management of Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra – 5.2.1. Constitution of Municipal Funds 5.2.2. Disbursements from Municipal Funds 5.3. Financial position of Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation 5.4. Revenue Expenditure 5.5. Total Revenue Receipts and Payments 5.6. Capital Receipts and Payments 5.7. Overall Surplus or Deficits in Corporation.
  6. Performance of The Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation : 6.1. Statutory function of Municipal Corporation – 6.1.1. Obligatory Function 6.1.2. Discretionary Functions 6.2. Performance of Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation 1. Water Supply 2. Garbage and Sewage Management 3. Fire Brigade Facility 4. Health and Medical Services 5. Education Facility 6. Roads 7. Garden 8. Library 9. Competitive Examination Centre 10. Government Schemes
  7. Data Anaylises : 7.1. Introduction 7.2. Section-I Analysis of demographic Information 7.3. Section-II Information about Health of Citizen 7.4. Section-III information regarding Education Facilities 7.5. Section-IV Road Facilities 7.6. Section-V Services of Municipal Corporation 7.7. Section-VI Evaluation of Municipal Services.
  8. Summary, Conclusion and Suggestions
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