Organizational Behavior
Prof Mamata Dahad
Book Language: English
Edition: First
As educators, we all have the same goal: to help our students make the maximum possible academic gains in a positive, respectful environment that promotes their success and nurtures their desire to learn. Well, for starters, organizational behavior (OB) remains a fascinating topic that everyone can relate to (because everyone either has worked or is going to work in the future). What makes people effective at their job? What makes them want to stay with their employer? What makes work enjoyable? Those are all fundamental questions that organizational behavior research can help answer. However, our desire to write this book also grew out of our own experience of teaching OB using other textbooks.
Part – I
- Introduction : a) Definition of O.B. b) Key elements of O.B. c) Nature & Scope of O.B. d) Importance of O.B. e) Disciplines contributing to O.B. f) Emerging challenges and opportunities for O.B. g) International O.B
- Individual Perspective : a) Personality : i. Definition & Concept. ii. Determinants of Personality iii. Personality Traits iv. Personality Attributes v. Measuring Personality. b) Attitudes: i. Concept & Nature ii. Formation of Attitudes iii. Types of Attitudes
- Group Dynamics : a) Definition & Characteristics b) Why do people join groups? c) Types and classification of groups d) Stages of Group Development: The five stage model e) Group Properties: Group Norms, Group Size and Group Cohesiveness
- Interpersonal Relationship : a) Conflict : Meaning & Concept b) Features of Conflicts. c) Aspects of Conflicts (Functional and Dysfunctional) d) Types of Conflicts : ( Individual, Interpersonal & Intergroup) e) Developing interpersonal relations
- Motivation : a) Meaning & Definition b) Types of Motivation: Financial & Non-Financial c) Theories of Motivation i. Hierarchy of needs Theory ii. Theory X and Theory Y iii. Motivation-Hygiene Two Factor theory iv. ERG theory
- Case study : A real word situation facing a manager should be considered for analysis & discussion. Steps: Fact/Summary, Problem Identification, Analysis of Problems
Part – II
- Leadership : 1.1. Meaning of Leadership 1.2. Functions of Leadership 1.3. Styles of Leadership 1.4. Traits of Leadership 1.5. Theories of Leadership:
- Power & Politics : 2.1. Definition & Meaning 2.2. Difference between Power & Authority 2.3. Bases of Power 2.4. Power Tactics 2.5. Politics: Power in action
- Change Management : 3.1. Forces for change 3.2. Factors in Organizational change 3.3. Planned Change 3.4. Human response to change 3.5. Resistance to change
- Organization Development : 4.1. Meaning and objectives of Organization Development, 4.2. Characteristics of Organization Development
- Work Stress : 5.1. Meaning of Stress 5.2. Nature and sources of stress 5.3. Consequences of Stress 5.4. Stress & Task Performance 5.5. Coping Strategies for the Stress
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