Prashant Publications

PHY-111 | Mechanics and Properties of Matter

F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | Paper I | Physics



SKU: 9789385664724
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 128
Edition: Student
Categories: ,



F.Y.B.Sc. | Sem I | PHY-111
Mechanics and Properties of Matter

We are very happy to hand over this text book of F.Y.B.Sc. Mechanics and Properteis of Matter to F.Y.B.Sc. students. This book has been presented to you according to the revised syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University implemented from June 2019.
An attempt is made to give more emphasis on essential modern concepts in physics. The concepts are illustrated and elaborated with necessary examples. Sufficient exercise is given at the end of each of each topic for the practice of the students.

1. Motion 
1.1 Introduction to motion 1.2 Types of motion 1.3 Displacement and a distance 1.4 Velocity and Speed 1.5 Acceleration 1.6 Concept of Inertia 1.7 Newton’s laws of motion 1.8 Various types of forces in nature 1.9 Frames of reference 1.10 Real life application of Newton’s laws.

2. Work and Energy 
2.1 Work and Energy 2.2 Kinetic Energy 2.3 Work Energy theorem 2.4 Work done by a constant force 2.5 Work done by varying force (Spring Force) 2.6 Conservative Force and Non-Conservative Force 2.7 Potential Energy 2.8 Principle of Conservation of Energy or a L aw of Conservation of Energy 2.9 Gravitational Potential Energy

3. Fluid Mechanics 
3.1 Concept of Viscous Force and Viscosity 3.2 Coefficient of Viscosity 3.3 Steady and Turbulent Flow 3.4 Reynold’s Number (n) 3.5 Equation of continuity 3.6 Bernoulli’s Principle 3.7 Applications of Bernoulli’s Principle 3.8 Applications of Viscous Fluids

4. Properties of Matter 
I. Surface Tension- 4.1. Introduction -4.1.1. Intermolecular Forces 4.1.2. Types of Molecular Forces 4.1.3. Surface Tension 4.1.4. Surface Tension on the basis of molecular Theory 4.1.5. Surface Film 4.2. Angle of contact -4.2.1. Shape of the liquid drop 4.2.2. Excess pressure inside a liquid drop 4.3. Jaeger’s method for determination Surface Tension of liquid 4.3.1. Why liquid rises in the capillary 4.4. Factors effecting surface tension 4.5 Applications of surface tension
II. Elasticity: 4.6. Introduction 4.7. Hooke’s Law of elasticity 4.8. Work done during longitudinal strain, volume strain and shearing strain-4.8.1.Work done during longitudinal strain 4.8.2. Work done during volume strain 4.8.3. Work done during shearing strain 4.9. Relation between three elastic constants y, K and η. 4.10. Applications of elasticity

Prashant Publications
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