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PHY-303 | Practical Physics

S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | Physics



SKU: 9789389492224
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2019
Pages: 128
Edition: Student



S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | PHY-303
Practical Physics

We feel delighted in presenting the revised “Practical Physics” for S.Y.B.Sc. students & teachers of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. It includes practicals based on
(General Physics-I, Electronics, Instrumentation) prescribed by B.O.S. in Botany, KBC North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This practical manual furnishes its level best, for the practical information required for completion of practical syllabus of S. Y. B. Sc. Physics Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. We are confident that this book will prove a feasible assistance to the students and teachers while working in the laboratory. Adequate care has been taken regarding the correctness of the diagrams drawn and matter written in a manual to eliminate the routine error as far as possible. This book is fairly illustrated and many possible details have been incorporated.

Section A : General Physics-I

Practical No. 1 
To determine Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, J, by Callender and Barne’s constant flow method.

Practical No. 2 
To determine the mechanical equivalent of heat (J) with the help of Joules calorimeter.

Practical No. 3 
To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method and Charlton’s disc method.

Practical No. 4 
To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper by Searle’s Apparatus.

Practical No. 5 
To determine thermal conductivity of rubber by tubing method.

Practical No. 6 
To determine thermal conductivity of metal by Forbe’s method.

Practical No. 7 
To determine the temperature co-efficient of resistance by Platinum resistance thermometer.

Practical No. 8 
Stefan’s fourth power law using bulb.

Practical No. 9 
To determine angle of prism and familiarization with Schuster`s focusing.

Practical No. 10 
To determine the Refractive Index of the Material of a given Prism using Sodium Light.

Practical No. 11 
To determine Dispersive Power of the Material of a given Prism using Mercury Light.

Practical No. 12 
To determine of Stefan’s constant.

Section B: Electronics

Practical No. 1 
Study of full wave rectifier with capacitor filter and to calculate its ripple factor.

Practical No. 2 
Study of Zener diode as a voltage regulator.

Practical No. 3 
Study of CE transistor characteristics to find out ‘β’ of the transistor.

Practical No. 4 
Study of logic gates (AND, OR and NOT) using diodes and transistors.

Practical No. 5 
Verification of De Morgan’s Theorems (using ICs).

Practical No. 6 
To study the characteristics of Light Emitting Diode (LED).

Practical No. 7 
Experimental verification of NAND gate as a universal building block.

Practical No. 8 
Experimental verification of NOR gate as a universal building block.

Practical No. 9 
To study I – V characteristic of (i) a resistor and (ii) a p–n junction diode and compare it.

Practical No. 10 
To determine fill factor and efficiency of solar cell.

Practical No. 11 
Comparison of luminous intensities of two light sources by using photo voltaic cell.

OR Section B: Instrumentation

Practical No. 1 
Use of C.R.O as a measurement tool for different electrical parameters (frequency, a.c./d.c. voltage, pulse height, pulse width, rise time and fall time).

Practical No. 2 
To obtain Lissajous figures using C.R.O.

Practical No. 3 
To determine characteristics of Thermistor to find an unknown temperature by using thermistor.

Practical No. 4 
Use of thermocouple for measurement of temperature.

Practical No. 5 
Measurement of errors.

Practical No. 6 
Directional Characteristics of a microphone.

Practical No. 7 
Velocity of sound by phase shift method.

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