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Physical Chemistry for Undergraduates

(Volume I)



SKU: 9788197627392
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2024
Pages: 348
Edition: First



We are pleased to present the book on Physical Chemistry Vol. (I) in the hands of students learning Physical Chemistry at Undergraduate level and the teachers of Physical Chemistry. The book is written by keeping in mind the curriculum of Physical Chemistry prescribed by UGC that should be taught at different levels through various papers under the NEP
Physical Chemistry is the fundamental part of curriculum of chemistry. Therefore, there is need of understanding it from very basics. The book focuses on understanding the terms and principle involved in Physical Chemistry. The book aims to explain fundamental aspects of Physical Chemistry with simple examples. The content of this book attempts to clarify the basic knowledge of the subject without going through exhaustive details.
This book of Physical Chemistry includes the basics topics such as Mathematical preparation to understand Physical Chemistry, Various State of Matters, Thermodynamics and its laws along with Basic Chemical thermodynamics, Solutions along with its properties and Basic of Surface Chemistry
To develop interest of learners, labelled diagrams and solved numerical are given wherever necessary. At the end of each chapter, multiple choice questions, short answer questions and long answer questions are also given. Considering the depth of undergraduate students, book is written in very simple language and unnecessary explanation is avoided. It will definitely generate interest of the learner in understanding of the subject. I hope this book will be useful for the undergraduate students of chemistry.

1. The Gaseous State 
1.1 Kinetic theory of ideal gases 1.2 The Kinetic Gas Equation 1.3 Deduction From Kinetic gas equation 1.4. Applicability of Ideal Gas Laws 1.5 Deviations of real gases from ideal behaviour 1.6 The Van der Waals Equation of State 1.7 Units of Van der Waals constants 1.8 Critical Phenomena 1.9. Andrew’s Experiment 1.10 Andrew’s Isotherms of CO2 1.11 Relation between critical constants and Van der Waal constants 1.12 Critical constant in terms of Van der Waal constant 1.13. Law of Corrosponding state and Reduced equation of state 1.14 Liquefication of Gases.

2. Liquid State 
Surface tension of liquid , Unit of surface tension, Factor affecting surface tension, Capillary action, Viscosity, Ostwald Viscometer.

3. Solid State 
3.1 Crystalline and Amorphous Solid 3.2 Crystallization and Fusion 3.3 Crystallography 3.4 The Crystal Systems 3.5 Properties of Crystals 3.6 The Structure of Crystals 3.7 Distance between planes in cubic lattice 3.8 Types of Cubic lattices.

4. Electrolytic Conductance 
4.1. Electrolytic Conductance 4.2. Determination of Conductance 4.3. Conductivity Cell 4.4 Cell Constant (K) 4.5 Determination of cell constant 4.6. Variation of conductance with concentration .7 Equivalent Conductance at infinite dilution. (o) 4.8 Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions 4.9 Application of Conductance Measurement.

5. Mathematical Preparation in Chemistry 
5.1 Logrithms 5.2 Change of base of logarithm 5.3 Rules of Logarithms 5.4 Characterstic and Mantissa of logarithm 5.5 Negative logarithms 5.6 Graphichal representation of equation 5.7 Straight lines 5.8 Differential Calculus 5.9 Integral Calculus.

6. Second Law of Thermodynamics 
6.1. Introduction 6.2. Basic terms involved in thermodynamics 6.3. First law of thermodynamics 6.4. Spontaneous and non spontenous process 6.5. Statement of Second law of Thermodynamics 6.6. Entropy–(S) 6.7. Physical significance of entropy 6.8. Statement of Second law based on Entropy 6.9. Entropy change an isolated system 6.10. Entropy change for systems only 6.11. Entropy changes in Ideal gases 6.12. Entropy of Mixing for Ideal Gases 6.13. Entropy change in Physical Transformation 6.14 Entropy change during heating of solids, liquids and gases.

7. Surface Chemistry 
7.1. Adsorption and Absorption 7.2 Adsorption of gases by solids 7.3 Types of Adsorption 7.4 Difference between Physical and Chemical adsorption 7.5 Adsorption Isotherm
7.6 Types of adsorption isotherm.

8. Solution 
8.1 Solubility 8.2. Types of Solution 8.3. Different way of expressing the concentration of solution 8.4 Vapour Pressure 8.5 Raoul’s law and its limitation 8.6 Ideal and non-ideal solutions (Solutions of Liquids in Liquids) 8.7. The vapour pressure of actual liquid pairs 8.8 Vapour pressure liquid and vapour pressure vapour composition curves of solution (VP digram of miscible binary mixture) 8.9 Fractional distiliation 8.10 Boiling point digrams of miscible binary mixture (P-X and T-X Diagram) 8.11. Distillation of binary miscible solutions 8.12. Azeotropes 8.13. Fractionating column 8.14 Solubility of partially miscible liquid pairs.

9. Colligative Properties 
9.1 Colligative Properties 9.2 Lowering of Vapour Pressure of Solvent 9.3 Boiling Point Elevation of Solution 9.4. Freezing Point Depression of Solution 9.5 Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure 9.6. Solution of Electrolytes 9.7. Colligative Properties of Electrolytes 9.8. Abnormal Molecular Weight.

10. Chemical Thermodynamics 
10.1 Helmoltz free energy : (Work function) 10.2 Physical Significance of A 10.3 Variation of Helmholtz free energy (A) with temperature (T) and volume (V) 10.4 A for reactions 10.5 Variation of A of reaction with temperature at constant volume 10.6 The Gibbs free energy 10.7 Physical significance of Gibbs free energy 10.8 Relation between Gibbs free energy and Helmholtz free energy 10.9 Free energy change as a function of pressure and temperature OR Variation of Gibb’s free energy (G) with temperature (T) and pressure (P) 10.10 Variation of (G/T) with respect to temperature at constant pressure 10.11 G For Reactions (Gibbs–Helmholtz Equation) 10.12 Variation of (G/T) with temperature at constant pressure 10.13 Calculation of Free energy change 10.14 Properties and significance of G 10.15 Fugacity and Activity 10.16 Determination of mG in terms of activity 10.17 Standard states for gases 10.18. Determination of activity coefficent of gases 10.19 Standard state for solid and liquids 10.20 The Reaction Isotherm : (Van’t Hoff Isotherm) 10.21 Standard Free energy of formation 10.22 Criteria of Equilibrium 10.23 Physical equilibria involving pure subtances 10.24 Clapeyron Equation 10.25 The Vapour pressure of liquids 10.26 Variation of vapour pressure with temperature 10.27 Clausis-Clapeyron equation 10.28 The Boiling Point of Liquids (Trouton’s Rule).

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