Practical Physics - I
F.Y.B.Sc. | SEM. I | Physics | PHY-102 (P)
We are very happy to hand over this text book of F.Y.B.Sc.
PHY-102 (P) Practical Physics- I to F.Y.B.Sc. students. This book has been presented to you according to the National Education Policy (NEP) revised syllabus of Savitribai Phule Pune University implemented from June 2024.
An attempt is made to give more emphasis on essential modern concepts in physics. The concepts are illustrated and elaborated with necessary examples. Sufficient exercise is given at the end of each of each topic for the practice of the students. We hope that the book will fulfil the expectations of the students and teachers.
Section I : Mechanics and its application
Practical 1
Measuring Instrument
Practical 2
Bar Pendulum
Practical 3
Kater’s Pendulum
Practical 4
Coefficient of Viscosity by Poiseuille’s method
Practical 5
Torsional Oscillations
Practical 6
A fly-wheel
Practical 7
Surface Tension of Water by Capillary Rise Method
Practical 8
Study of surface tension by Jaeger’s method
Practical 9
Quincke’s method
Section II : Physics Principles and Applications
Practical 1
Practical 2
Dispersive power of the material of the prism
Practical 3
Planks Constant
Practical 4
Solar Cell
Practical 5
Divergence of LASER beam
Practical 6
Diffraction by wire
Practical 7
Wavelength of LASER light by plane diffraction grating
Practical 8
Total internal reflection using LASER
Practical 9
Diffraction Using A Reflection Grating (Metal Ruler)
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