Prashant Publications

Rural Society Past, Present and Future



SKU: 9789385021183-
Book Language: English
Published Years: 2015
Pages: 296
Edition: First



India is a country of villages. Gandhiji said that if you want to see the real nature of india, visit the villages. Now days the nature of rural society is changing but it is also a fact that the people of rural society have to face many problems. And hence it is necessary to study the problems and the remedies to overcome the problems. After independence Indian Governments, started various schemes including Three Tier System as well as some individuals and also NGO’s have started some work for rural development. But yet, the efforts are not up to the mark to overcome the problems. Hence, it is necessary to discuss on the existing situtation of the rural society. With considering this situtation we have planned to organize the international conference.
In This conference the discussion has been done on various fundamental topics such as Rural Traditions, Rural Education, Rural Literature and developmental topics such as Role of governments, NGO’s and the Three Tier System etc.
We hope that the research articles and the discussion will be helpful to the scholars, planners, social workers and the persons who are working in govt. schemes as well as in NGO’s for the development of rural society.

Prashant Publications
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