Teaching of English (Classroom Practices)
A need to review and redesign the B.Ed. syllabus was felt as NCF-2005 expects the teacher to look at school education in a holistic manner. It advocates learner-centred learning rather than teacher-centred teaching. Teacher’s attitude, aptitude and motivation play an important role because the teacher needs to engage with the learning process of the learner. Teacher as a facilitator helps learners construct their knowledge. The teacher should be able to participate meaningfully to transact the syllabus and textbooks effectively along with teaching-learning materials. Therefore, the teacher should be well-versed not only with the subject content but also with the pedagogy of learning.
English is a foreign language for Indian students and to teach English to them is a tedious job. To make this language clear to the students, a sound knowledge of pedagogy is essential. In this book the latest trends and practices in teaching all the four English language skills, adequate coverage of the syllabus of many unviersities, suitability of classroom strategies, linguistic system, pedagogical aspects, aspects of teaching English, innovative learning resources, pedagogical analysis, creative form of English language, skills in English literary form, support services, social networking, pedagogical analysis, planning, evaluation, assessment and different types of lesson plans and learning plans extensive use of examples and lucid presentation – are some of the distinguished features of this book.
- Meaning and Nature of English Language : 1.1 Introduction, 1.2 Meaning of the Term – Language – Definitions of Language, 1.3 Nature of Language, 1.4 Basic Functions of Language, 1.5 Characteristics of English Language
- Historical Development of English Education in India : 2.1 Introduction, 2.2 Pre-Independence Period, 2.3 Post-Independence Period, 2.4 The Constitution of India (1950), 2.5 Macaulay’s Minute – 1835
- Importance and Place of English in the Present School Curriculum : 3.1 Introduction, 3.2 Importance of English in Multilingual Society, 3.3 Place of English in School Curriculum, 3.4 The Three Language Formula
- Aims and Objectives of Teaching English : 4.1 Introduction, 4.2 General Aims, 4.3 Objectives of Teaching English at Primary Level, 4.4 Objectives of Teaching English at Secondary Level
- Skills in Language and Literature, Creative Form of English Language : 5.1 Introduction, 5.2 Classification of Skills, 5.3 Sub-Skills in the Fundamental Skills – Listening, Objectives of Teaching Listening, Types of Listening
- Learning Resources : 6.1 Introduction, 6.2 Print Resources – Meaning, Purpose, Steps in Development, Criteria of Good Resources, Advantages of Print Resources, Disadvantages of Print Resources
- Pedagogical Analysis : 7.1 Introduction, 7.2 Structure: Structure of English language – Meaning of Structure (Definitions), Types of English Language Structure, 7.3 Content Analysis – Meaning, Components of Content Analysis
- Aspects of Teaching English : 8.1 Introduction, 8.2 Teaching Prose – Introduction, Objectives of Teaching Prose, Steps of Teaching Prose
- Pedagogical Aspects of Teaching English : 9.1 Introduction, 9.2 Difference between Method, Approach, Device and Technique
- Techniques and Devices of Teaching English : 10.1 Introduction, 10.2 Techniques of Teaching Language Skills – Techniques of Teaching Listening and Speaking
- Models of Teaching : 11.1 Introduction, 11.2 Concept Attainment – Strategies for Concept Attainment, Assumptions of the Model
- Planing for Learning and Teaching : 12.1 Introduction, 12.2 Importance of Planning, 12.3 Year Planning, 12.4 Unit Planning – Meaning of the Term
- Evaluation and Assessment : 13.1 Introduction – Concept of Evaluation, 13.2 Types of Evaluation – Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
- The Teacher of English : 14.1 Introduction, 14.2 Qualities and Qualifications of Teacher of English – Qualities Related to Subject Knowledge, Qualities Related to Personality, 14.3 Qualifications of English Teacher
- Lesson Plans and Learning Plans : 15.1 Introduction, 15.2 Lesson Plans on Language Skills, 15.3 Learning Plan or Worksheet on Constructivist Approach.
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