ZO-231 | Animal Diversity - III
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | Paper I | Zoology
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III | ZO-231
Animal Diversity – III
The authors and publisher of this book have a great pleasure and satisfied to offer this book; Animal Diversity – III (Zo-231, semester III) paper I for S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Students. The book has been written as per the new revised syllabus (choice-based credit system) of the Savitribai Phule Pune University from June 2020.
The main aim in writing this book is to provide basic, applied, advanced information of the subject to cater the needs of the students. We tried to present this book in a simple lucid language. The figures and photographs included in each chapter will help the reader to grasp the subject matter. We provided questions, definitions and references wherever needed that will help the students for study.
1. Introduction to Phylum Chordata
2. Introduction to Group – Protochordata
3. Introduction to subphylum – Vertebrata
4. Introduction to Class – Pisces
5. Introduction to Class – Amphibia
6. Study of Scoliodon
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