ZO-233 & 243 | Zoology Practical
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III & IV | Zoology
S.Y.B.Sc. | Sem III & IV | ZO-233 & 243
Zoology Practical
The authors and publisher of this book have a great pleasure and satisfied to offer this book; Zoology Practical (Zo-233-243, Semester III & IV) for S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Students. The book has been written as per the new revised syllabus (choice-based credit system) of the Savitribai Phule Pune University from June 2020.
The main aim in writing this book is to provide basic, applied, advanced information of the subject to cater the needs of the students. We tried to present this book in a simple lucid language. The figures and photographs included in each chapter will help the reader to grasp the subject matter. We provided questions, definitions and references wherever needed that will help the students for study.
ZO-233, Semester – III, Zoology Practical
1. Sericulture
Practical No. 1.
Study of external morphology and life-cycle of Bombyx mori. (D)
Practical No. 2.
Study of five equipments in Sericulture. (E)
Practical No. 3.
Preparation of a map showing distribution of silk moth and rearing/ sericulture practices in India. (E)
Practical No. 4.
Compulsory submission of Photographs/ sketches of Mulberry, Tassar, Eri and Muga silkmoths. (E)
2. Agricultural Pests and their control
Practical No. 1.
Study of following insect pests with respect to marks of identification, nature of damage, economic importance and control measures. (D)
Practical No. 2.
Study of following pests with respect to marks of identification, nature of damage, economic importance and control measures. (D)
Practical No. 3.
Study of any two non insect pests corresponding to theory course. (D)
Practical No. 4.
Compulsory submission of at least five Insect Pests/ Photographs/ Sketches. (E)
Practical No. 5.
Study of pest control appliances (as per theory course). (D)
Practical No. 6.
Compulsory field visit to Sericulture farm, report writing and submission.
Annexure – Sample study tour report .
ZO-243, Semester – IV, Zoology Practical
1. Apiculture
Practical No. 1.
Study of external morphology, life cycle and polymorphism in Honey Bee. (D)
Practical No. 2.
Temporary preparations of mounting of mouth parts, legs, wings and sting apparatus of worker bee. (E)
Practical No. 3.
Study of Bee keeping Equipment: Bee box, Honey extractor, Smoker, Bee-veil, queen excluder. (D)- Compulsory
Practical No. 4.
Study of Bee products: Honey, Wax, Venom, Royal jelly, Pollen. (D)
Practical No. 5.
Estimation of carbohydrates from Honey in different samples.
(D)- Compulsory
Practical No. 6.
Study of Bee enemies: Wax moth, Bee eater, ant. (D)
2. Fisheries
Practical No. 1.
Identification, Classification and study of habit, habitat and economic importance of a) Rohu (Labeo rohita), b) Catla (Catla catla), c) Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala). (D)
Practical No. 2.
Identification, Classification and study of habit, habitat and economic importance of a) Prawn, b) Crab, c) Lobster, d) Pearl Oyster. (D)
Practical No. 3.
Study and maintenance of Aquarium. (D) – Compulsory
Practical No. 4.
Study of crafts: a) Catamaran, b) Machwa, c) Dinghi (Photographs/models/line drawings). (D)
Practical No. 5.
Study of gears in fishing: a) Gill net, b) Dol net, c) Rampani net,
d) Cast net. (Photographs/models/line drawings). (D)
Practical No. 6.
Study of nutritional value of fish : Biochemical estimation of fish muscle proteins by using Biuret method. (E) – Compulsory
Practical No. 7.
Compulsory study tour/field visit to Apiculture institute / Fish farm/ Aquarium. (E) (2 P).
Annexure-1 – Sample study tour report .
Annexure-2 – Preparation of Chemicals & Reagents
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