ZO-357-358 | Zoology Practical (Pest Management, Histology, Biological Chemistry)
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | Paper I & II | Zoology
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem V | ZO-357-358
Zoology Practical
(Pest Management, Histology, Biological Chemistry)
The authors and publisher of this book have a great pleasure and satisfied to offer this book; Zoology Practical (Zo-357-358, Semester V) for S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Students. The book has been written as per the new revised syllabus (choice-based credit system) of the Savitribai Phule Pune University from June 2021.
The main aim in writing this book is to provide basic, applied, advanced information of the subject to cater the needs of the students. We tried to present this book in a simple lucid language. The figures and photographs included in each chapter will help the reader to grasp the subject matter. We provided questions, definitions and references wherever needed that will help the students for study.
I. Practicals in Pest Management
Practical No. 1.
To study the plant protection appliances. D
Practical No. 2.
Studies on beneficial insects. (C) D
Practical No. 3.
Study of pests and diseases of honeybees. (C) D
Practical No. 4.
Applications of IPM components in various crops. D
Practical No. 5.
Separation of the pesticides or plant products by TLC and Column chromatography.2P(C) E
Practical No. 6.
Detection of pesticides residues in food stuffs. (C) E
Practical No. 7.
Rearing of pest species (Any 2 species). (C) D
Practical No. 8.
Study of life cycle of Red cotton bug and Lemon butterfly. D
Practical No. 9.
Study of the detection of damage caused by pests. D
Practical No. 10.
Plant disease, its intensity & calculation of VI (Virulence Index) of at least two diseases. D
II . Practicals in Histology
Practical No. 1.
Study of the different types of tissues with the help of permanent slides – Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, Muscular tissue and Nervous tissue. D
Practical No. 2.
Study of permanent histological slides of T. S. of skin, V. S. of tooth and C. S. of tongue. D
Practical No. 3.
Study of permanent histological slides of digestive parts – T. S. of Stomach, T. S. of Duodenum, T. S. of Rectum, C. S. of Liver. D
Practical No. 4.
Study of permanent histological slides of glands – T. S. of Pituitary gland, T. S. of Thyroid gland, T. S. of Adrenal gland, C. S. of Pancreas. D
Practical No. 5.
Study of permanent histological slides of reproductive organs- T. S. of Testis, C. S. of Ovary. D
Practical No. 6.
Study of human blood smear to observe different types of blood cells. (C) E.
Practical No. 7.
Temporary mounting of tissues of any mammal (freshly dissected or preserved) – Striated Muscle Fibre. (C) E
Practical No. 8.
Temporary mounting of tissues of any mammal (freshly dissected or preserved) – Smooth Muscle Fibre. (C) E
I : Practicals in Biological Chemistry
Practical No. 1.
To determine the enzyme activity – salivary amylase/ urease/ invertase.
Practical No. 2.
To determine specific activity of an enzyme.
Practical No. 3.
Detection of carbohydrates (monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides) with the help of suitable tests.
Practical No. 4.
Isolation of starch from potato and digestion of starch by salivary amylase.
Practical No. 5.
Preparation of buffer of desired pH and molarity.
Practical No. 6.
Protein estimation by Lowry et al. method.
Practical No. 7.
Isolation of Caesin from milk by adjusting iso-electric point.
Practical No. 8.
Study of Preparation of Acid, Alkali & it’s standardisation.
Practical No. 9.
Study of Principle, Working & Measurement of pH of any three samples.
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