ZO 367-368 | Zoology Practical
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | Paper I & II | Zoology
T.Y.B.Sc. | Sem VI | ZO 367-368
Zoology Practical
- Practicals in Medical & Forensic Zoology
- Practicals in Animal Physiology
- Practicals in Molecular Biology
The authors and publisher of this book have a great pleasure and satisfied to offer this book; Zoology Practical (Zo-367-368, Semester VI)for T.Y.B.Sc. Zoology Students. The book has been written as per the new revised syllabus (choice-based credit system) of the Savitribai Phule Pune University from June 2021.
The main aim in writing this book is to provide basic, applied, advanced information of the subject to cater the needs of the students. We tried to present this book in a simple lucid language. The figures and photographs included in each chapter will help the reader to grasp the subject matter. We provided questions, definitions and references wherever needed that will help the students for study.
Practical No. 1.
To carry out routine analysis of given urine sample for-2 (E)
i. Physical Properties: Volume, Colour, pH, Turbidity, Specific gravity. ii. Chemical Properties: Sugars, Protein, Bile salts & bile pigments, Ketone bodies, Blood. (C)
Practical No. 2.
Aim : To determine the concentration of the urea in serum. E
Practical No. 3.
To determine the concentration of uric acid in serum. E
Practical No. 4.
To determine the concentration of calcium in serum. E
Practical No. 5.
To study and examine cortex and medulla from human hair. E
Practical No. 6.
To examine and study the hair morphology and determine the species to which the hair belongs. E
Practical No. 7.
To prepare slides of scale pattern of human hair. E
Practical No. 8.
To visit a forensic laboratory and submit a report on this visit. E
Practical No. 9.
To identify and differentiate various types of fingertips / fingerprint ridges in humans. E
Practical No. 10.
To prepare a case report on forensic entomology with respect to insect’s succession and its relationship to determine time since death. E
Practical No. 1.
To estimate the Haemoglobin by Sahli’s haemoglobinometer. E
Practical No. 2.
To prepare the haemin and haemochromogen crystals. E
Practical No. 3.
To estimate the blood glucose level from given sample. E
Practical No. 4.
To estimate the bleeding and clotting time in blood. E
Practical No. 5.
To study of disorders caused by endocrine glands with the help of photographs. D
Practical No. 6.
To detect blood groups in human being by ABO blood group system. E
Practical No. 7.
To study the differential count of blood. E
Practical No. 8.
To estimate the concentration of Haemoglobin percentage with the help of haemometer. E
Practical No. 9.
Qualitative detection of nitrogenous waste products (Ammonia, urea, uric acid) in given sample. E
Practical No. 10.
Demonstration of kymograph unit, Respirometer through available resources. D
Practical No. 11.
To measurement of lung capacity. E
Practical No. 1.
To study lab safety techniques & sterilization. D.
Practical No. 2.
Preparation of DNA paper model and study its characteristics. E.
Practical No. 3.
Staining of DNA and RNA by methyl green – pyronin. E.
Practical No. 4.
To estimate the concentration of DNA by Diphenylamine method. E.
Practical No. 5.
To Estimate the concentration of RNA by Bial’s Orcinol method. E.
Practical No. 6.
To isolation the DNA from Bacteria / liver / Onion. E.
Practical No. 7.
To study the Absorption spectra of DNA isolated from Bacteria / Liver / Onion. E.
Practical No. 8.
To study the Principle & application of Spectrophotometer & PCR. D.
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