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BCA Semester III

Programming in C++

Sem - III | BCA 303

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Sem III | BCA-303

Bachelor in Computer Application

Chapter – 1 

Introduction and Basics of OOP’s
1.1 Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm.
1.2 Need Object-Oriented Programming.
1.3 Characteristics of Object-Oriented Programming.
1.4 Difference of Structured Vs. OOPs.

Chapter – 2 

C++ Controls, Pointers and Functions
2.1 Input / Output in C++
2.2 Data Types, Operators
2.3 Control and Conditional Statements
2.4 Pointer Variables
2.5 Array of Pointer
2.6 Pointer Arithmetic
2.7 Function and Its Components
2.8 Different Types of Parameter Passing Mechanisms
2.9 Pointer as Function Argument
2.10 Recursive Function
2.11 Function Overloading
2.12 Inline Function

Chapter – 3

Object and Classes
3.1 Class Declaration in C++
3.2 Objects
3.3 Constructors and Types of Constructor (Default Constructor,
Copy Constructor, Parameterized constructor)
3.4 Destructor
3.5 Difference between classes and structures
3.6 Friend Class Friend Function

Chapter – 4 

4.1 Inheritance – Definition
4.2 Concept
4.3 Types of Inheritance
4.4 Visibility modes – Public, Private, Protected
4.5 Virtual Base Class
4.6 Benefits of Inheritance

Chapter – 5 

Operator Overloading
5.1 Operator Overloading
5.2 Unary Operator Overloading
5.3 Binary Operator Overloading
5.4 Rules for Operators Overloading
5.5 Operators overloading using friend function

Chapter – 6 

Virtual Functions, Templates and Exception and File handling
6.1 Virtual Function
6.2 Pure Virtual Functions
6.3 Function Templates
6.4 Exception handling constructs
6.5 Introduction to File System
6.6 Basic Read and Write file Functions


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